Go to Between the Streets
Between the Streets
The things you don’t see — or think about —  when you’re driving around. Portland, Maine — but it could be anywhere (sort of)!
Note from the editor

I’m fascinated by what’s behind, between, on on the streets of my hometown. It all started in the spring of 2016, when — partly to nudge myself into exercising — I set a goal of walking 16 of the Portland Trails sites. What I discovered was a whole world of woods and water, hidden within the neat city neighborhoods. When I walk, I take my camera.

Go to the profile of Sue Hubley
Sue Hubley
I’m retired after 40 years of working first as a newspaper copy editor and then at a college. I love gardening, walking, taking pictures, and knitting.
Go to the profile of Sue Hubley
Sue Hubley
I’m retired after 40 years of working first as a newspaper copy editor and then at a college. I love gardening, walking, taking pictures, and knitting.