BEXAM 2018 Review

Bexam News
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2019


2018 was a whirlwind of a year for blockchain. It started with many projects reaching an all-time high in popularity, interest, and investments. ICOs were thriving and cryptocurrencies were even getting press coverage in mainstream news. However, this high did not last. By mid-year, the market was bearish and the fervor had quickly dissipated. The once thriving ICO market was crawling by with amounts raised diminishing month by month.

But as crazy a year as it was, 2018 was huge for BEXAM. And here’s why:

May 2018

  • After discussions with early works and the use of their PoR technology, BEXAM is established on May 1st of 2018!

With almost half of the year through, BEXAM went from a dream to a reality. Discussions between BEXAM and early works concluded with the exclusive agreement that BEXAM could begin building its product off of early works’ own Proof of Rounds technology. With this new consensus algorithm, BEXAM began planning its own cryptocurrency exchange that could reach unseen scalability in the industry. But first, BEXAM needed a team.

June 2018

  • After hours of interviews, BEXAM has its new team. Comprised of three members, the BEXAM teams begins developing and marketing the BEXAM Exchange.

After hours of sifting through applications and sitting down for interviews, BEXAM finally had its team. The team was only comprised of three members, but this would be the beginning of BEXAM’s growth. The team discussed goals and direction for the company and got started right away with putting together BEXAM’s white paper. With this task under their belt, they began working on spreading BEXAM’s name across the world.

August 2018

  • BEXAM welcomes HACKEN as an advisor on all things security. With a strong new advisor on board, BEXAM and some engineers from early works attend the BLOCKSHOW conference is sunny Las Vegas.

September 2018

  • The BEXAM team heads to London to attend the World Blockchain Forum, where they meet their next advisor StartupToken, who offers valuable insight in making the most successful startups.

October 2018

  • After growing the team to a total of 13 members, BEXAM sets about analyzing critical feedback received during months of conferences and advisor meetings.

The BEXAM team travelled around the world, getting feedback and partners through numerous conferences. After months of intense work, the team sat down to consider what the company’s next steps would be. The crypto market had changed drastically from when BEXAM began. ICOs were declared dead among the community and feedback from the many conferences confirmed that BEXAM’s crypto exchange just wasn’t enough. The team decided it was time to refocus BEXAM. But they needed more members. Especially board members.

Considering the shift in focus with BEXAM, the experience of new board members would be especially crucial. BEXAM’s new COO, who had garnered years of enterprise and corporate experience, knew that other board members would need to share these same kinds of skills. After assembling a new team of C-level executives in finance, technology, and risk, and with experience from huge companies like Shell and Barclays, the BEXAM team was now set.

November 2018

  • After much internal deliberation, BEXAM decides to rebrand: this allows the technology behind BEXAM to shine more. Everything from the website to white paper changes as BEXAM 2.0 is revealed and the private sale begins.

With a much larger team in tow, BEXAM set about on its rebranding mission. Logo, white paper, website — everything needed to change. And with the hard work of each team member, the new BEXAM was unveiled mid-November. BEXAM was transferring its focus from the crypto exchange to its technology by offering BEXAM as a platform. The new message was received with heavy enthusiasm from investors, advisors, and fans alike. With a renewed message and focus, the BEXAM team launched its private sale and continued to work hard on spreading scalability in blockchain!

December 2018

  • December proves to be a huge month as the BEXAM developers unveil the Alpha Wallet launch. Users witness the speeds of BEXAM firsthand as developers gather a lot of great data to continue building a better BEXAM.

The developers at BEXAM brought big news when they announced that the Alpha Wallet for the BEXAM Exchange was going live just after the holidays. By sending dummy tokens to one another, users were impressed with the speeds of BEXAM as transactions completed in the blink of an eye. As the Alpha Wallet came to a conclusion, BEXAM developers were excited to sift through the mountains of data they gathered so they could begin working on the next big step.

BEXAM is pushing through the new year with a huge to-do list! We’ve got a lot of great news to continue sharing with everyone, so make sure you’re following us on social media and a wonderful 2019 to everyone!

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Empowering businesses with innovative blockchain solutions.

BEXAM strives to integrate real blockchain/DAG solutions to support businesses everywhere. We aim to address the current shortfalls in decentralized platforms by reconciling the advantages of both blockchain and DAG systems. By introducing the reality of blockchain to the enterprise sphere, we hope to inspire its potential further into everyday life.

With over 40 million transactions per second and a block generation time of 0.2sec/block, the BEXAM platform doesn’t just make enterprise blockchain a reality, but a necessity in business excellence



Bexam News

Bexam, the next generation blockchain/DAG hybrid platform. Empowering businesses with innovative blockchain solutions through the new consensus algorithm GLS!