Idea Storage

How To Turn Notion Into the (Almost) Perfect Idea Storage

A Place for All of Your Ideas and Research

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity
6 min readNov 15, 2021


As knowledge workers, there is a lot of information relevant for us.

I write around 20 to 25 blogs per month, and recently I have started to study for my upcoming three-year engineering Ph.D. Naturally, there is no way I can ever memorize interesting bits of information I come across, regardless of whether it is online or offline. There must be a place to save all of this and have it readily available whenever the need for access arises.

It is a job for an Idea Storage.

Image by kalhh on pixabay. uncreative edits by author.

There are tons of options to use as an Idea Storage like Evernote, OneNote, Notion, Hypernotes — to name a few popular ones.

Some of them have been around longer, and some just saw the fresh light of the virtual world.

However, I have been using Notion since 2018. Honestly, for the first year, I was not using it regularly. This was mainly due to my inability to fully understand its range of features and how to best use them to my advantage.

Recently, I have set up a new page for my Ph.D. research. It will be a place where all my ideas, thoughts, and findings will go in.



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.