To Dream Big: Be Bold and Unafraid

Beyond the Matrix
The R.A.M.
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2019


Every great dream starts with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. – Harriet Tubman

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

Not too long ago, I wrote a story about an experience I had several years ago, which I can best describe as a “divine encounter.” After posting the article, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. I am aware that things of this nature are not consistent with certain religious practices and beliefs. As a deeply spiritual person myself, I was concerned that my words could be interpreted as sacrilegious.

Shortly after writing the article, I deleted it. And, then not too long after that, I felt an overwhelming urge to go to church. I am strongly opposed to what I regard as religious dogma. In addition, I preferred a church with meditation as a core belief. I did a quick search and found a spiritually-based church where meditation is a key component of each service. Perfect, I thought.

A Beautiful Church, a Gorgeous Garden, and a Powerful Message

As soon as I walked into the church, I felt at home. It is a gorgeous building, with floor to ceiling windows. Outside, there…

