Bezant Update

Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2018
Steve, DS and CJ in Singapore with their game face

Hello from Bezant Team!

As follow-up to our IBM collaboration announcement, we would like to take this opportunity to share further update as well as address certain common and valid questions from the community.

  1. Liquidity/Exchange. DS has been leading some of our leadership team on listing with a major exchange. Our aim is to be on major exchange toward the end of this year. As you can see from our previous effort with Bibox, just listing alone is not a magic bullet. Rather, there are other key factors that need to also be in place to ensure healthy demand/supply cycle. We are also working on those key factors in parallel.
  2. Roadmap Update. As some of you know, we’d joined Hyperledger Foundation. This is important because we are using Hyperledger and Fabric framework to build Bezant’s chain. This membership provides several benefits first and foremost being accelerating our development cycle and access to greater resource.
  3. IBM Collaboration. You can read more about it here:
  4. Updates. As members who’d been with us here know, we provide fairly frequent updates and activities the past several months. We would like to encourage new members to follow our TG Announcement Channel (, Medium (, and Twitter ( for regular updates.
  5. Community. We mentioned about success factors and strong community is one of them. As always, we’re grateful for your continue support. This will only strengthen our case when the exchange happens.



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