Bhagwat Gita — Its Essence


Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Bhagwat Gita
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2014


by Munindra Misra

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Available: 1. Globally 2. India a)Flipkart b)Amazon c)Indian Publication

Bhagwat Gita in English rhyme, hopes to preserve the sense of the great classic and does not, in any manner, try to proclaim itself as a scholarly interpretation or literal translation. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (the `Sanatan Dharma’ - a way of life;). Gita teaches us both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. It proclaims
that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. It is the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

Th e Bhagwat Gita presents practically the easiest spiritual solution to the naughtiest and mightiest mundane problems of human life. Herein Arjun represents a cultured human being besieged by innumerable perplexing situations of life. Th e Gita very sweetly and fondly shows the most attractive path for salvation out of it, and thus makes life worth living and finally enables the person to achieve self-realisation. As the author Sri Munindra Misra has rightly said in his introduction — “Lord’s teachings do not end with what He stated to Arjun. He resides in each of us and so communicates to us through our conscience.”

Introduction * Crux * Chapter 1 *

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Available: 1. Globally 2. India a)Flipkart b)Amazon

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Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Bhagwat Gita

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,