Best Commentaries on Genesis (4–11)

Stephen Steele
Bible Commentaries
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2018

I got to the end of a series on Gen 4–11 six weeks ago and realised I hadn’t converted the ramblings below into anything postable. At this point I don’t have the time or motivation to tidy it up, but here are my notes in case they’re helpful! (see also on Gen 1–3):

Garry Williams — Cry of Blood. Plus on Noah and the covenant of grace (IPC + JOC)— amazing. Nice use of Francis Roberts for the last one.

Currid. Good but over-reliance on Gilgamesh.

Fuller has expoitions on Genesis in vol 3

Horatius Bonar up to ch 6

Don’t forget Kidner! Always good. Says so much in so few words.

Philip Henry

Waltke is very good. Though you have to go to the very end of his treatment of each ‘book’ for his theological reflections.

Forgot about Cassuto, till Gen 9. Tho it only starts with Noah (there is an earlier one from Adam to Noah that I only discovered after preaching 1–3. Thought it wasn’t worth the £30+ for commentary on chs 4 and 5. Good on the Hebrew. But not really worth it overall.

I continuied to use the three non-commentaries from chs 1–3 (Desmond Alexander is paricularly helpful on Babel — more and more I’m finding that Leithart is hit or miss) plus Motyer ‘Look to the Rock’.

Douglas MacMillan Gen 6v3. Which I only listened to the first third of and didn’t find it that helpful — particularly if you don’t take ‘strive’ as an accurate translation.

Update Jan 2019: Just realised I have Kline ‘A New Commentary’, but didn’t use it.
Update Sept 2019: Manton volume 14 has sermons on Enoch and Noah.

