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How it works
Scoring an incredible deal is the first element of excitement
Scoring an incredible deal is the first element of excitement
Do you love that feeling of a big, savory bite that surprises you with more flavors than you had expected? We feel this way about how our…
Mar 26, 2020
Time is the element for restaurants
Time is the element for restaurants
At BidShore, we believe that our business is truly changing the world by best utilizing one very important element: TIME.
Mar 25, 2020
How coupons started and the journey of coupons
How coupons started and the journey of coupons
Source: http://business.time.com/2010/04/06/the-history-of-coupons/
Aug 8, 2019
The Meaning of BidShore
The Meaning of BidShore
So you might be wondering why we named it “BidShore”?
Aug 8, 2019
can you save time with coupons?
can you save time with coupons?
Time is precious. The traditional system of coupons is extremely inefficient for getting discounts at restaurants mainly because they…
Sam Rao
Aug 7, 2019
why someone should use BidShore
why someone should use BidShore
Take a moment to think about your favorite restaurants. You would want to go to those places more often if you could, but eating out can…
Sam Rao
Aug 7, 2019
why coupons are not the answer
why coupons are not the answer
For many years, coupons have been the only method for diners to enjoy meals at their favorite restaurants at discounted prices. The main…
Sam Rao
Aug 6, 2019
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