Data Disrupt: Industry, Society, and You

Big Data & Innovation
Big Data Driving Innovation
3 min readMay 1, 2015

Speakers Announced!

The IE Big Data Club is pleased to announce the line up of speakers that will be attending the inaugural event this upcoming Tuesday May 5th at 7pm.

In addition to the International Key Note Speaker, Jose Luis Agundez, Head of Big Data and Innovation at Telefonica, the event will host the likes of:

  • Ivan Rejon will share perspective on our ‘Networked Society’ and opportunity with the Internet of Things (IoT). As Head of Strategy & Marketing at Ericsson, Ivan’s current focus is on “IT-enabled digital transformation” opportunities: how Cloud Computing, Big Data, and IoT are disrupting current business models, and leading companies can benefit from them
  • Javier Borondo, a Data Scientist from Synergic Partners, a consulting firm that specializes in Big Data across a variety of sectors. Javier holds a PhD in complex systems from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid where his main research was focused on developing computation and mathematical tools to help understand the world’s social network structure and its implications.

Other Topics

In addition to these great speakers, this event will also feature great new technologies that are sure to make great impacts going forward.

  • IBM Global Business will present some new developments for their famous cognitive computing system, Watson. From healthcare to travel to culinary innovation, learn how Watson is pushing the boundaries of natural language processing and how technology can augment human thinking and decision making
  • Oculus Rift is a new virtual reality headset that lets players go further in their gaming experience by allowing them to step inside their favorite games and virtual worlds. More than just for gaming, Oculus Rift has almost unlimited potential in its ability provide immersive experiences. As an example, Oculus Rift is currently being used during the popular Game of Thrones Exhibition (in Madrid this weekend!) to let fans feel what it’s like to go up the 700 ft high Wall in the North. Digital guru, Rafa Mateu De Ros, will be available to discuss the product, applications, and digital technologies and to answer any questions.

The goal of the IE Big Data Club is to make the world of Big Data accessible to anyone interested in understand how new technologies are affecting us and impacting the world. We’re excited to be putting on this event bringing speakers who work directly with new technologies together with anyone who wants to learn more and get involved in this growing paradigm.

