Better Together: An Ecosystem’s Approach to Multi-Storefront

Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readJun 27, 2022

On March 28th, BigCommerce released Multi-Storefront, a sizable release that impacted the entire platform. As the BigCommerce ecosystem, we must work together to serve the needs of our clients. Making sure clients who would benefit greatly from this feature are able to implement it is the latest way to do just that.

We sat down with folks from partners like Akeneo, SkuVault, Comestri, ShipStation, JMango360 and Klevu to learn about the experiences they’ve had updating their applications to meet the requirements for Multi-Storefront compatibility and/or optimization. To learn about the difference between compatibility and optimization, check out our documentation!

Why Multi-Storefront?

Multi-Storefront, MSF, allows you to use one BigCommerce store to power multiple storefronts. Each storefront is able to have its own domain, theme, categories, web pages, links, etc. but they share your store’s catalog. All of the settings and data for each one of these unique storefronts can be managed from a single BigCommerce control panel.

This functionality is useful for many cases, but for example:

  • Merchants who manage multiple brands and want to power a unique website for each
  • Merchants who serve multiple segments (B2B, B2C, etc.) and want to create an experience catered to the different buyers
  • Merchants who sell into multiple countries & want to have a localized shopping experience

The Interviews

Curious about why you should update your app? To hear more about their experience updating their applications to be Multi-Storefront optimized or compatible, check out our interviews below.

These partners are among the first to go through this process, so hearing from them might be useful if you’re considering putting your app through the same process!

Additional Resources

Want to learn more? Find additional details about Multi-Storefront in our documentation here, or check out the BigCommerce Dev Center.

Are you using Multi-Storefront in your BigCommerce store? Let us know in the comments how you’ve utilized this new capability and what you think, or tweet at us @BigCommerceDevs.



Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog

Hi! I’m Katie - Senior Developer Advocate for BigCommerce & based in Colorado! 🤠🏔🥾👾?