Go to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Thoughtful conversations on building a better world.
Note from the editor

We care deeply about reducing inequity for all — particularly for people traditionally left behind. Our Medium publication is a space to host discussions, ideas, and unique perspectives about the work to reduce the burden of poverty and poor health for all people.

Go to the profile of Gates Foundation
Gates Foundation
We work to help all people lead healthy, productive lives, focused on health, poverty, and opportunity. Follow our leaders for more: http://gates.ly/1ztylqj
Go to the profile of Brycie Jones
Brycie Jones
all things social at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. seattle. these views are my own.
Go to the profile of Tristan Harris
Go to the profile of Sue Desmond-Hellmann
Go to the profile of Melinda Gates
Melinda Gates
Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, businesswoman, and mother. Dedicated to helping all people lead healthy, productive lives.
Go to the profile of Lea Hegg
Lea Hegg
Program Officer, Polio Eradication, @GatesFoundation
Go to the profile of Allan Golston
Allan Golston
President, U.S. Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Go to the profile of William MacAskill
William MacAskill
I’m an Associate Professor at Oxford University, the co-founder of non-profits Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours, and the author of Doing Good Better.
Go to the profile of Emilio Emini
Go to the profile of Sarah Hendriks
Sarah Hendriks
Director of Programme, Policy & Intergovernmental Division @ UN Women Views my own. Twitter: @sarah_hendriks
Go to the profile of Nachiket Mor
Nachiket Mor
India Country Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Go to the profile of David Wertheimer
David Wertheimer
Director of Community & Civic Engagement at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Go to the profile of Gates Africa
Gates Africa
The official Medium account for the @GatesAfrica team. Let’s talk about development, health and opportunity on the African continent.
Go to the profile of Trevor Mundel
Trevor Mundel
President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Science is my passion.
Go to the profile of Mark Suzman
Mark Suzman
Chief Strategy Officer & President Global Policy & Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Interested in all things development & education.
Go to the profile of Leigh Morgan
Leigh Morgan
Chief Strategy & Operating Officer, Nia Tero; Former Chief Operating Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Board, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Duke CASE
Go to the profile of Bruno Moonen
Go to the profile of Chris Elias
Chris Elias
President of Global Development at @gatesfoundation. Tweeting about power of partnership to transform #health and #development. Views are my own.
Go to the profile of Dr. Nick Austin
Dr. Nick Austin
Dr. Nick Austin is the director of Agricultural Development at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Go to the profile of Girindre Beeharry
Girindre Beeharry
Director of Global Education Learning Strategy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation