The Mistake I Made During Programming (Part 2)

Adrian Hartanto
Bina Nusantara IT Division
2 min readJul 1, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan from Unsplash

This is the second part of “The Mistake I Made During Programming” article, I want to share some of the mistakes I made during my programming time as a software engineer.

4. Being brave to talk directly to the user

While doing my task as a software engineer, there was a lot of time I faced problems. Usually, problems with authorization or credentials to do the task I was given. The cause of never reaching and asking directly is I wait and do nothing until my senior programmer noticed I was slow in doing my task.

The second benefit to me, if I ask personally is I can get to know clearly what they want me to do or create. Now, whenever I have no idea about the source, process, and target to be done I make a call to them. They always willingly explain to me, therefore I can do my task easier and also faster.

And another benefit I know is I can be friends with them. Before I was a friend, I cannot ask other teams for help. Because now I’m a friend. I can talk to them, I can make ask what I needed to do to solve my task. Or get more knowledge about things outside of my work field.

5. Eat, workout, and sleep well

Being a better programmer wasn’t only about doing the task from day to night. I also need to be healthy because when I got sick I couldn’t do my task. Sickness also leads to unmotivated in my work. The excitement can be gone if I was sick or ill. So from now on I will eat, work out, and sleep well to be motivated in my work.

Final Thoughts

So these are the common mistake I made during my programming times. Maybe these mistakes I made can help you to excel in the programming world.

