ICO Review — 5 reasons why FTEC should be the tools of the trading future

Crypto ICO Review - US/FR
7 min readJul 3, 2018

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for optimizing the trading activities on on cryptocurrency markets.

1. A booming sector which need an all-in-one solution

The craze for Blockchain technologies and in particular crypto-currencies has been steadily increasing for several years, peaking in 2017.

After several studies and surveys, a very simple conclusion has emerged: people do not use crypto-currencies as a means of payment, despite all the benefits that this could bring them, but they use it as a means of trading. As a result, a new market has been created offering significant profitability prospects. In parallel, many cryptocurrency exchanges have been created to take advantage of this craze; we think in particular to Binance, Kucoin, gate.io, Bitfinex, iDex, … From then on, cryptocurrency trading became easy and accessible to all.

Except that, in such a volatile and decentralized market, it has become very difficult to generate profits without being an expert and without spending a lot of time to check the changes on each exchange, the latest news about crypto, a unusual change in volume, large purchase orders, …

To simplify the life of traders, many services have been created to automate some of their tasks and accompany them in others. So there are automatic trading robots, signals, learning academies, neural networks and many other products on the market. The problem is that all these services answer only one problem / task and that in order to cover all the aspects of the life of a trader, it would have to use a large number.

It is in this context that the idea of ​​FTEC, which proposes to bring together in a single holistic ecosystem all the necessary tools for traders, whatever their level of experience and knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies, is born.

2. A complete solution

FTEC is an ecosystem designed for traders that offers intelligent services and neural networks to make cryptocurrency trading easier and more efficient by automating routine work as much as possible. This ecosystem is aimed at both novice traders and experienced traders with the ambition to reduce the number of amateur traders.

The advantages of using the FTEC ecosystem are:

  • Increase the efficiency of its sales thanks to automatic and intelligent trading tools.
  • Save time with the use of neural networks for filtering information flows.
  • Improve his knowledge on crypto-currency trading thanks to the cryptoacademy.
  • Improve its trading strategies by using tools to analyze the history of its trade orders on the markets.
  • Minimize risks by relying on advice from the automatic search for the most profitable offers on the market.
  • Be informed of the latest “trends” in the industry with curation tools that analyze social networks and search data on the web.

At the moment, FTEC offers fifteen services ranging from a tool allowing automatic trading to a training module allowing novices to train and obtain basic knowledge on the market:

  • Smart Trading Modules: This service is used to automate trades on cryptocurrency trading using twelve simple but effective modules. Their combination makes it possible to make a high profit under certain conditions on the market.
  • Adaptive Social Assistant: This is a service designed to optimize the work of traders from the main social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) used by the crypto-community. The wizard will allow the trader to independently choose which data will be useful in order to effectively predict the behavior of certain assets on the market. This filtered data will be transmitted to Telegram via SMS, Email or push notification.
  • Analyzer of the News Background: The analyzer is a neural network-based service that generates reports based on the flow of information from the media. This service, thanks to machine learning, will improve continuously thanks to its automatic learning.
  • Arbitrage Assistant: This assistant is a service that allows you to make profits by using arbitration windows created by the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. This service can be used in manual or automatic mode.
  • Exchange Order Management Module: This service resolves the current inability to set Take-Profits and StopLosses at the same time. This module will allow to define the levels of TakeProfits and Stop-Loss which will maximize the profit.
  • Telegram Assistant: This wizard is designed to provide ecosystem users with easy, mobile access to key service features and their profile information. The wizard will allow users to enjoy the benefits of the ecosystem even from the phone, in a format of “short” messages resembling chat messages, without wasting time.
  • Cryptoacademy: The objective of this service is to allow novice traders to acquire the basic knowledge of cryptocurrency markets. This service also compensates for the lack of practical training tools that allow a user to avoid real money risk and learn how to make effective real-time forecasts.
  • Global Price Analyzer: this analysis service allows the user to obtain the most profitable offers for purchase or sale by analyzing information from different cryptocurrency exchanges. The analyzed data will correspond to the last orders made on the platform which will make the analysis more relevant.
  • Module of Price Notification: This service allows the user to easily configure alerts regarding the price level of a cryptocurrency. The service also aims to help the user identify the right levels to configure the best possible alerts. Alerts will be issued on three channels depending on the user’s choice: SMS, push notification on mobile or web browser.
  • Module of Cryptocurrency Portfolios Management: this service allows you to manage your portfolio efficiently by displaying at any time the detailed statistics on the state of the cryptocurrency portfolio. This will allow the user to adjust in real time his trading strategy.
  • Desktop app: the web version may be limited because of some browsers or operating systems, FTEC decided to create a computer application. This application will provide access to all ecosystem services including offline mode.
  • Mobile app: The mobile application, available on iOs and Android, will give access to a simplified version of all services of the ecosystem and will allow exchanges of messages between the users or the transfer of tokens.
  • Trading Recommendations Platform: This service allows experienced traders or analysts to monetize their knowledge by posting trade tips or articles. A scoring system will help to define the most competent traders.
  • Service of Trader’s Behavioral Analysis: This service continually monitors and analyzes the trader’s behavior on the market in order to define typical behavioral patterns for the trader. For this, the system loads the order history on the market and establishes how often a trader has closed positions during phases of “Panic Buy” or “Panic Sell”. The purpose of this service is to provide information to the trader about his behavior so that he avoids the mistakes he makes involuntarily.
  • Anomalous Volume Dynamics Analyzer: This service analyzes transaction volumes in real time on the smallest available time and detects each increase in transaction volume. This analyzer can detect abnormal situations when the increase in volume significantly exceeds the average result on trade or cryptocurrency.

All services in the FTEC ecosystem can interconnect with the exchange of crypto-currencies on the market. For the moment, FTEC is interconnected with the following cryptocurrency exchanges: Bittrex, Poloniex, YoBit, Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, OKCoin, Quoine, Bitstamp and Kraken.

3. A great team

The FTEC team consists of 25 members and advisors who post all their roles within the project on their LinkedIn page (which is a guarantee of legitimacy). The team members are specialists with significant experience in different fields (technical, legal and financial, public relations and marketing, business development and other …) which represents a significant advantage during the development phase and promotion of the project.

Ihor Torshyn (CEO) has been at the head of the FTEC Foundation for almost a year. Previously, he worked at CryptoAngels as part of a former trading project and was International Business Development Manager at IO.

Stanislav Ohkur (Business Development) has a solid marketing background, including a 3 year experience at Digital River and Luxwen.

Luis Felicio (CTO) has extensive experience as a software engineer for a number of companies in Brazil and Hongris over the last eight years.

From these previous projects already online, the FTEC team has proven that it is capable of delivering products. In addition, the quality of their marketing, the code available in open source and their transparency regarding the progress of the project inspire confidence in the capabilities of this team.

There are also eight advisors, the best-known of which is probably Tyler Sanfor, who has a solid background in marketing after going to startups like Yelp and Zenefits.

4. A live demo

FTEC possède déjà une démo présentant quelqu’un de ces services. Elle est accessibles à l’url suivante : https://ftec.network et ne nécessite que la création (rapide) d’un compte pour pouvoir commencer à tester la solution. Ci-dessous un screenshoot de l’interface de la démo.

5. Transparency, open source and experience

FTEC is not new to the crypto sector since they already have several online projects including CoinBot which is a bot leasing service for automatic trading on cryptocurrency exchanges or Cryptoangels which is a community of experts in technical analysis and professionals in the cryptocurrency industry.

In addition, the quality of their marketing, the code available in open source and the transparency displayed on the progress of the project inspire confidence in the success of the project.

ICO — Token sale

  • Main ICO: 20 June 2018–18 July 208
  • Minimum Contribution: 0.1 ETH
  • Maximum Contribution: No maximum
  • Softcap: 2.000 ETH
  • Hardcap: 26.500 ETH
  • Token price: 0.0000333667 ETH (~0,015 USD)
  • Total Tokens: 998.400.000 FTEC


Some links about the project

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/!\ All images and videos are from the Whitepaper or the ftec.io website



Crypto ICO Review - US/FR

Crypto Enthusiast — Crypto investor — ICO reviewer #Crypto #ico #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Tech