Biotron Development Update May 2019

Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

Hope you’re doing well. Our May was pretty awesome, as you can read below.

Data Engineer Wanted

As we continue the works on Fuel Stations Analytics and other projects, we decided to grow our team and hire a data engineer / scientist to help out with these efforts. If you’re interested to be a part of a stellar team or know someone who would be, please let us know.

What’s Inside a Blockchain?

One of the goals of our foundation is to educate the market about blockchain, data, and analytics. Martin, our COO, took his time to explain what’s inside a blockchain. Follow the link to read more. We’ll be posting such educative blogposts every month. Do let us know if there’s any topic in which you’d like to hear our insights.

Techsummit 2019 & AI Innitiative in Slovakia

Techsummit conference was a great opportunity for us to meet with the tech community, partners, and government representatives. It also served as a platform to discuss a prepared AI initiative here in Slovakia. Biotron was invited as one of the leading analytics & AI projects to be a part of it. We’ll let you know as soon as it will be public.

Quick News

  • Development of Fuel Stations Analytics continues
  • iOS and Android SDKs are ready to be deployed (and will be soon); in the meantime we started working on v2.0 of our app, which should be available at the end of this summer
  • We’ll be attending a couple of interesting events in the near future; we’ll post more info and insights soon

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group. Twitter might be of help here as well. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,

CEO of Biotron

