Biotron helping Shell and HB Reavis to innovate through data

Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

In the Q1 report I’d like to highlight what we’ve been talking about for some time now — pilot projects. We managed to get all the paperwork done and got approvals to use Shell Slovakia (representative of Royal Dutch Shell Plc.) and HB Reavis as referential pilot projects.

Here is the development update for February and previous quarterly update with 2019 outlook in case you missed them. Below is just a selection of the most important information with some news.

Pilot Projects

Shell Slovakia represents Royal Dutch Shell Plc., an international energy company, on the Slovak market. Biotron is helping them to optimize their retail chain. To do this we use data most notably from mobile devices combined with POIs (places of interest), road network geometry, and open government datasets (such as traffic counters). The final report contains traffic and movement analysis, catchment area analysis, and potential cannibalization of existing chain.

Part of the revenue from the analysis will be sent back to users who provided their data for it. Altogether we used data from 67,729 users, share for each individual is 8.228 BTRN. This amount is automatically added to the account of users who have our mobile application installed. Outstanding shares will be reserved for 3 months. If their owners will not claim them in our application within this period, they will be added to our user acquisition pool. This buyback is a part of the vision of Biotron Foundation. Anytime we’ll use user data for an analysis, part of the revenue will be used to reward users through BTRN tokens.

Our Data Lab, which we announced earlier last year, is helping to develop a smart workplace of the future with HB Reavis, international workspace provider active in 6 European markets. Using a combination of various datasets (location, meeting room bookings, vision and other sensors) we’re analysing the utilization of the workspace, evaluating movement patterns, and other habits. In the future these will serve as a foundation for prescriptive analytics, recommending specific actions to improve the utilization and working conditions in general. This is an ongoing long-term project.

Our team is already working hard on a couple more projects and we’ll announce them whenever we can.

BTRN Token Burn

After careful consideration Biotron decided to burn 588,907,488 BTRN tokens. The burn reflects the current market situation as well as the developments of Biotron’s project over the last year. If you haven’t read the detailed explanation, you can find it on our blog.

Q2 Outlook

Biotron Foundation continues to work on the solution, including all the necessary technology. Biotron Labs is focused on providing services as data & analytics studio, primarily for clients in mobility, real-estate, and retail. Apart from Central and Eastern European markets we’re targeting companies from Western Europe and the US as well.

We’re very happy with the progress on Biotron Mobile SDK for Android. Collected location data looks very good, we also added new datasets, such as list of installed apps and activity recognition. You can check out the recent developments and get rewards through our Android app. There have been some setbacks on the iOS platform, but the first production version of the SDK should be available in the foreseeable future. iOS app will follow soon after.

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

