Birdeye Terminal: Watchlist & Label

Vu Lan
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2024

Monitoring the performance of specific tokens and wallet addresses on Birdeye is now hassle-free with our Birdeye Terminal’s Watchlist and Label features. Birdeye Terminal aims to help crypto traders customize their trading experience for more efficient trades.

Find out how you could leverage these features in today’s blog!

Watchlist — Track the analysis of certain crypto traders and tokens over time

Birdeye Terminal’s Watchlist allows crypto traders to create a personalized list of tokens and/or wallet addresses of which they want to track the overtime activities and performance. Our regular users can create one tracking list, while the PRO subscribers can create as many as they wish.

Here’s how you could start creating your watchlist:

  • Step 1: Click on the dropdown symbol beside Watchlist and select ‘Create new’ next to the type of list you want to make.
  • Step 2: Pick a name and choose its color for easy distinction, especially if you’re planning to create multiple lists.
  • Step 3: Specify the conditions for your list. For the list of assets, type in the token names or addresses that you want to monitor. The tracking metric includes changes in price, volume, and volume % within a time range (12 hours, 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, and all time).

For the wallet watchlist, type the wallet addresses (one by one) that you want to track. The analysis of wallets contains their trading volume, total number of trades, popular trading tokens, and largest trades the day before, today, in 7 days, 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months.

  • Step 4: Click ‘Save’ to preserve your settings.

Once a watchlist is created, you could compound the effectiveness of your tracking by setting alerts for it, if any of the listed tokens or wallets meet your desired conditions. Follow our previous blog on how to use the Alert feature for more details!

Label — All wallets by their recognizable names

Our Label feature allows you to name any wallet addresses that appear on Birdeye. All of our users could create as many labels as they want.

Check out how to use Label below:

  • Step 1: On the Label section, click the ‘Add New Label’ button on the dashboard.
  • Step 2: Paste the wallet address that you want to track on Birdeye (under Leaderboard, any tokens’ Recent Trades, etc.) and name it as you wish.
  • Step 3: Click ‘Save’ to make sure the next time you see this wallet address on Birdeye, it can be easily detected by its customized name.

Simplify your crypto trading experience with Birdeye Terminal’s Watchlist and Label

Our Watchlist and Label features within Birdeye Terminal are meant to redefine the way crypto traders navigate and excel in the crypto space, offering a user-friendly and efficient trading experience. While Watchlist provides you valuable insights into tokens or traders over time, the Label feature simplifies your transaction tracking on Birdeye.

Try out these features now and let us know what you think about our Birdeye Terminal sub-features:


Birdeye only serves as a supporting tool to help users make informed trading decisions, not giving them financial advice! Please always conduct your own research and take responsibility for all of your investment decisions.

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