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BIT.TEAM is a platform for the peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange of cryptocurrencies between users, which serves as a guarantor of each transaction.
Note from the editor

BIT.TEAM — is an open ecosystem and a bridge between the user and the blockchain that creates products and services that solve a number of problems facing the entire cryptocommunity today. ☑️ BIT.TEAM Exchange (https://bit.team/) — is a classic SPOT cryptocurrency exchange with a user-friendly interface. The balance of cryptocurrencies and NFT is united under one account. P2P exchange BIT.TEAM (https://bit.team/p2p/) — a multi-currency P2P platform for buying and selling cryptocurrencies for fiat money between participants directly. NFT Marketplace (https://bit.team/nft) — P2P platform for sharing NFTs, artefacts, art and collectibles.

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Bit Team
Official website: bit.team