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Astir MasterPass - Gen 0xAST1

Unlimited Access Inside the Metaverse & Out

Bit Astir
BitAstir MasterSport Publication


What if Christiano Ronaldo asked you to chill after his game;
Would you say yes?

Would you join Lebron James in a pre-game locker-room hype session?

Would you be willing to share your social network with them?

Highly Anticipated.
Ultra Exclusive.

One of the most coveted sports objects in the metaverse. The BitAstir Foundation MasterPass — Generation 0xAST1 is the metaphoric Golden Ticket to the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory of Sports!

Left* — 111 showcase GIF-| Middle* — Aquamarine -| Right*DewLine
Left* Flared -| Middle* — EverPine -| Right*DewLine
Left* Midnight -| Middle* — Tundra -| Right*Oceanica
Left* Saturn -| Middle* — SunHarvest -| Right*StarLight

The Astir Foundation Gen 0xAST1 { MPass } is an icon symbolizing BitAstir’s leap into the establishment of a Metaverse economy around the Sports industry. Given the early stages of mankind’s foray into the metaverse & BitAstir’s development, participating in the early rounds of the MPass’s distribution represents strong, long term vested commitment to the BitAstir Vision & Mission.

Only available as a part of BitAstir’s early incentivization systems. There will only ever be 1 edition of these passes released with a fixed supply of 1,111 NFT’s. Possession of the Astir Foundation Genesis MasterPass

Each pass has been imbued with ultra rich features, the majority of which will only be realized alongside the project’s maturation; with each new development the MasterPass becomes more versatile & valuable.

Collection Size: → 1,111
Collection Variants: 11*
📅 Date of Release → 03/11/2022
Time of Release: ~7:30pm

0.125 ETH → “MasterPass”
0.141 ETH →
1.000 ETH → “#1 of MPass”

- Drop Frequency 🧿

There will be a total of 10 drops. First round will be minted by BitAstir as an ERC 1155 through OpenSea’s Market portal. This will provide 131 total MasterPasses {x11 of each x11 variants (plus 10 randoms)} and serve as our alpha batch to test the market’s appetite & get feedback on the design & concept from our audience. Upon achieving full sellout; BitAstir will announce the unveiling of its MINTING portal & begin the progressive injection of the remaining 9 rounds as its own ERC-721. Round 1 holders will be given extra benefits & a free bridge/mint to the*UPGRADED* verson.

13111 of each MPass + 10 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
12111 of each MPass + 0 randoms
01201 of each MPass + 1 random

- Utility Specifications 🎰

💠Governance Rights
In order to obtain governance rights within the AstirDAO the minumum requirement is for a user must be staking no less than 1,111 $BITA tokens at any given moment. However, possessing an Astir Gen{0xAST1} MasterPass will automatically give its owner those governance rights within the AstirDAO. *The degree of influence a masterpass will have shall be established based on its’ market relative to the total DAO member pool size.

💠ACMn — BitAthlete Status
Becoming an athletic Asset (BitAthlete) requires a two-pronged commitment to the BitAstir ecosystem;
1) an active minimal stake of 1,111 $BITA tokens for no less than 14 days;
2) satisfying the requirements presented in the OnBoarding process.
However, in order to become tradeable market asset a bitAthlete must reach “PRO” grade BitAthlete which demands 33x more than the base or 33,333 tokens. Possessing one Astir Foundation Genesis MasterPasses will automatically imbue its owner with “Enhanced Bitaficiation rights”; Allowing its owner to nominate 3 incoming BitAthletes (including themselves).
***** { → BitAthlete Staking Guide ← } ****

💠 Minting Priority
BitAstir has assimilated one of the most radical crypto-economic systems that leverages multiple archetypes of NFT’s. It is segmented into a progression of minting events according to the state of the projects maturation. It is important to note here that only a portion of all the ASTIR NFT’s are mintable & BitAstir defines minting as a process BEYOND throwing some Ethereum at a smart contract; Hello {public Proof-of-Performance}. Long Story short; mint with your efforts & social presence. From equipment & merchandise to seats, stadiums & even metaverse Sport-god avatars 😲(whoa). While the exact details of each mint will be publicized closer to the time of the mint (which hinges upon the industries overall economic climate), we anticipate that the BitAstir ecology will demand a minting range bound of min0.01 ETH←→ max1 ETH. Holding one of the Astir Foundation Genesis MasterPasses will entitle its owner with 2 FREE mints (below 0.25 eth).

💠 Universal Stadium & Room Access
Typically, when people think VIP they think champagne somewhere backstage. The Gen-0xAST1 MasterPass takes this to another level. Visit absolutely any & every sport stadium, at any time in history. Join pro’s in their pre-game locker-room hype sessions. Visit Ronaldo’s rookie locker room, Or Invite him to yours!
All of the BitAthletes (above Astir MasterSport colosseum will house over 10,000 stadiums! Each Stadium is expected to have at least 8 doors! With over 80,000 doors to walk through & only 60,000 opening; wouldn’t you like to know what is behind the others?

💠 Mining
We dont mean plugging in an ASIC machine & annihilating your electrical bill. Mining within the BitAstir ecosystem is a form of capturing & collecting the excess economic entropy created within the system through activity. Rather than burning or spending it, these “cyber-dust” collections are periodically distributed to all Astir Foundation MasterPass holders.

💠 VIP treatment in Perpetuity
Foundation MasterPass without a discount? All Gen Foundation MasterPass holders will have a permanent HARD discount across all of the Astir merchandise. Exact rates will be finalized at a future point in time when there has been enough ecosystemic feedback.

▫◻⬜ - Properties - ⬛◼◾

The grouping of bitathletes with which a MasterPass associated with & the type of bitAthlete they are.

The Coloration of light emitters in the MasterPass Tab.

Fitting: Carbonic
Material used for USER← →NFT binding in the MetaVerse.

Frame: Cyber Foil
Material used for MINTING the digital-Masterpass once in the MetaVerse.

Generation: 0xAST1
The Collection’s involvement phase, engraved into the wrist band to symbolize BitAstir arriving on the metaphoric “plymouth rock” of the metaverse.

Master Tab: *based on color variation*
The Master Tab is associated with the Color Class of each individual MasterPass; Each color will carry its own unique class.

Vein Style: ? ? ?
The type of ETCHING for the light color emitters on the MasterPass’s. Veins can be carved, plasmic, molten, flat, neon,

💫 Stats 💫

$BITA Infusion:
How Much $BITA the MasterPass has stored inside of it. Variable amount between 0–10,000 the infusion provides an alternative asset valuation than it would otherwise. Infusion’s do not influence any other variable outside the economic.

Free Mints:
The total amount & the remaining amount of Free Mint’s a MasterPass is imbued with. Base level 2 across 10 of the variants; one of the MasterPasses provides 3.

🔰 Level 🔰

The RANKs refers to its COMBINATION color variation/class, 1 color=1 rank .

To increase the rank of a MasterPass, a user will have to ‘combine’ different, unique masterpass colors. The more colors the closer to “infinite purity” the masterpass becomes. At the early stages, combination will be established via the state of OpenSea through snapshots taken of the Ethereum blockchain.

To learn more about BitAstir, $BITA, or any of the MasterSport NFT’s please refer to our official Whitepaper that will be made available on our website, refer to the Metaverse Sport Guide found here, or view the official MasterPass documentation that BitAstir will be releasing at a later date → Here ←.

🌐→ Website:🌐

🅰→ $BITA Alpha Bounty: Bita.AlphaList.Bounty.Flowpage
🔗→ $BITA Links & Resources: BitaLinks.Flowpage

🔹 → Twitter: (@ BitAstir)
🆔 → Discord: BitAstir Discord Server
📤 → Telegram:
🦧 → Reddit: (r/BitaStir)
🎥 → Youtube: Official Youtube channel BitAstir’s BitaSport.



Bit Astir
BitAstir MasterSport Publication

Sports-DAO ⛹️‍♂️ Building the largest network of 🤾‍♂️ Athletes & Connecting them with with the world 🏌️‍♀️ Turning🤸‍♂️ Athletes into Assets 🏆 #SportFI