Meet the team

Who are the founding members of Bitcoin SV Wales?

Bitcoin SV Wales
Bitcoin SV Wales
6 min readSep 13, 2019


Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

It’s the one-week birthday of the Bitcoin SV Wales group, and we thought it was time to introduce ourselves properly.

In our first post, which you can read here, we briefly introduced ourselves as a small group of five local mates: Gabe, James, Freddie, Jack, and Jamie. Today, we’d like to give you a little bit more information about us — hopefully so you can get to know us and understand better why we’re all so passionate about Bitcoin and blockchain.

One of the most important aspects of blockchain is that it enables and promotes transparency over data and financial interactions. So, in the same vein, we want to be completely transparent in letting you know exactly who we are — here goes!

Gabe Ackerman

Hi there, I’m Gabe. I’m a media and communications graduate from Swansea university with an ever-growing interest in the cryptocurrency world. Despite some of the negative criticisms garnered by Bitcoin in the mainstream media, reading up on the technology recently has only made me more intrigued, especially by it use and implementation globally.

Having known about Bitcoin’s existence in the background over the past few years it was only recently — with the introduction of Bitcoin SV — that I really engaged with it. The emergence of a scalable platform that can facilitate fast peer-peer payments is what has really begun to excite me about blockchain.

I am excited to further spread the positive impact that the blockchain is finally beginning to create.

Gabe is our resident expert in consumer technology and all things motoring, with the notable exception of ‘Lambos’. He’ll be helping organise our meet-up events and writing about how the blockchain will impact these fields in particular.

Jack Davies

Hi, I’m Jack! Having recently finished a Physics degree at the University of Cambridge, I am now working as a researcher for nChain — a company specialising in blockchain technology, and the Bitcoin SV node implementation.

I knew very little about Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency in general before I began working in the industry. A year on and I have learned so much that I’d love to share with the wider community in Wales and the UK.

My main goal for the next few years is to help pass on advice and education in the blockchain space, in the hope that the many benefits of the technology can be harnessed by Welsh businesses, industry and commerce in the future. Wales has a thriving disruptive technology sector, and I think that many of the businesses in it can utilise the power of Bitcoin.

Jack will be responsible for providing in-depth looks at the nuts and bolts of the underlying technology of Bitcoin and blockchains in general. Don’t worry, this educational stuff will be aimed at the most curious of you out there — you really don’t need to go into this kind of detail to utilise the benefits of blockchain.

But, if you do follow Jack down the crypto rabbit hole, you can expect detailed educational materials like this presentation he gave at the CoinGeek Toronto blockchain conference earlier this year…

James Parker

Hi I’m James, a History MA student at UCL, and a Bitcoin enthusiast. Whilst I have been aware of the existence of Bitcoin and blockchain for several years, it was only until recently, after delving deeper into its technicalities, that I realised that Bitcoin’s importance was far more profound than may first meet the eye.

I realised that blockchain demonstrates how a secure, decentralised network of trust has profound consequences for modern society, far beyond just the base use case of cryptocurrency payments, offering exciting possibilities for improved transparency, efficiency and security in a whole host of modern industries.

James is a keen student of politics and international relations. He will be our man on the ground covering how blockchain technology impacts society on a truly borderless global scale. In addition, he will be providing analysis on how Bitcoin can improve the governance and transparency of existing real-world systems, to reduce corruption and promote honest behaviour.

Jamie Hitchen

Hello, I’m Jamie. I’ve recently finished a Master’s in Computing and have just started work as a DevOps Engineer in the tech industry. I’ve been interested in Bitcoin since I first heard about it several years ago, and my interest has only grown since then as I constantly learn and discover more about its underlying technology, the Metanet and blockchain in general.

I’m particularly interested in utilising Bitcoin to build applications on-chain and the positive impact that these decentralised applications can have on the world.

Jamie will be keeping us all up-to-date on the host of blockchain-based applications that are currently being developed on Bitcoin SV. As a DevOps Engineer, he will be able to provide accurate industry-standard analysis on the new programming paradigms that the blockchain utilises and encourages.

Freddie Dewey

Hi there, my name is Freddie. I’m a medical student at UCL, intercalating in Psychology, with a growing interest in Bitcoin and the Metanet. Until recently, I was fairly ignorant towards the world of cryptocurrency and its implications and possibilities in modern society.

Whilst understanding the workings of the blockchain was initially a steep learning curve, I have now come to appreciate how it can promote the decentralisation of currency via the process of peer-peer transactions; with Bitcoin SV leading the field with its expansive capabilities and fast transaction speeds.

I am excited to team up with my friends, to help form a platform for other like-minded people in Wales to meet, communicate and share information and ideas in the world of cryptocurrency.

Last but not least, Freddie is our resident clinical expert. He will be providing exclusive insights as to how the blockchain can improve the efficiency of processes, in complex organisations such as the NHS, by acting as a single, universal source of truth for medical systems, amongst many, many others.

Please join our meet-up group here to keep up-to-date with our events:

Thanks for taking the time to get to know us in today’s post! Now the real work begins for us all as we begin our odyssey into all things blockchain, and see how they will affect modern life in Wales.

