Windranger Hosts Virtual Hackathon In Parallel With Inaugural Sozu Haus Hacker House

Windranger Labs
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2022

Teams collaborated during a week-long hackathon during ETHBogotá and Devcon, building exciting projects to support the development of leading web3 DAOs/companies.

Windranger, a product lab working on the BitDAO ecosystem, ran a successful hackathon in conjunction with the Sozu Haus Hacker House (see more here). Sozu Haus is a hacker house series by BitDAO focused on DAO tooling and web3.

Prompts for the hacker house/hackathon were drafted collaboratively and supported the technological development of MetaMask, BitDAO, and Game7. Further details about the prompts can be found here.

Windranger contributors formed three teams and built these solutions in response to the outlined prompts:

Team 1: Prototyped a mobile keyring storage system and browser extension to explore Account Abstraction techniques.

Improving wallet UX and key management is critical to the continued adoption of crypto/web3 applications.

The solution, which the team plans to develop into a stand-alone wallet with social recovery, aims to improve wallet interactions by delegating responsibilities to a separate keyring that can act on the users’ behalf without further intervention. Session-based controls restrict the actions the instrumented keyring can perform and in the future, we plan to expand this control mechanism further by introducing programmable transaction invocations (programmable EOAs), this system brings greater control, freedom and reassurance to the user, it reduces friction and increases “built-in” safety measures through granular configuration.

Team 2: Prototyped a DAO workstreams application.

DAOs face the challenge of needing to provide visibility into the various projects within the DAO and where funding is allocated.

The product aims to consolidate information, typically found and spread across various applications (such as Airtable, Google Docs, etc.) into one app, providing contributors with a top-level view of BitDAO long-term plans, budgets and initiatives.

Team 3: In conjunction with the upcoming launch of BitNetwork (see more here), began development of BitNetwork Faucet, a testnet token faucet for dApp developers and users. Access to the Faucet will help facilitate coordination of testing and troubleshooting applications on the BitNetwork testnet.

Sozu Haus Bogotá is the first of many global hackathons hosted by Sozu Haus. Follow along on Twitter to learn and stay in the loop regarding upcoming programming.

If you’d like to learn more about what we’re building or are interested in joining our team, check out the links below:

