3 Reasons I Don’t Believe Cheating Is Always Wrong

Yes, it may hurt like crazy but I think it is foolish to expect perfection from imperfect beings

Brooklyn Thomas
Bite, by Brooklyn


Photo by Luis Tosta on Unsplash

I know that I am going to get a lot of flack for this piece; however, I think it is important that we have honest and divisive discussions, no matter how much it hurts. So bear with me.

According to the stats, around 16% of people have cheated on their spouse. Regarding male respondents, those aged 51–59 had the highest infidelity rate, which stood at 31%. However, regarding men and women, the stats stood at 20% and 13% respectively.

In this particular study, 22.1% of participants never admitted it to their partner, 24% did, and 76% discussed the previous infidelity with new partners.

As for why they cheated, the reasons varied from being unhappy in the relationship, being drunk to things like personality, personal beliefs and religions. Now, I am a little sceptical, so I view these statistics with a pinch of salt as I do believe that some people would lie, even in a study.

Now, the effects of cheating are not to be understated or brushed away. As I wrote in my piece, I was cheated on, and it broke my heart. Honestly, I don’t think I will get over it as it was a breach of trust. Families have been…



Brooklyn Thomas
Bite, by Brooklyn

I’m a mix between Hillary and Monica ♚ Sign up to my newsletter ➝ brooklynthomas.substack.com (she\her)