Tokinex Reveals First IEO — Ampleforth

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2 min readMay 23, 2019

Further to our recent IEO platform announcement we are excited to share the first token sale on Tokinex, Ampleforth (AMPL) — an innovative digital asset protocol for ‘smart commodity-money’.

Tokinex Reveals First IEO — Ampleforth

What is Ampleforth?

Ampleforth is described as a ‘synthetic commodity money’, with an advanced protocol that uses trusted ‘oracles’ to obtain accurate and fluid exchange-rate data. It propagates this information to holders of AMPL through a pro rata increase or decrease in the number of tokens each user holds, producing an end price with a lower correlation to Bitcoin and other digital assets.

This unique proposition lends itself to a number of use cases:

  • For diversification in cryptocurrency portfolios.
  • As reserve collateral in decentralized banks such as Maker DAO.
  • An alternative to central-bank money, like bitcoin but macroeconomically friendly.

We see Amples as having a near-term utility that naturally dovetails into a much bigger vision, and I can’t wait to see it unfold […] The Bitfinex and Ethfinex communities are among the best in the industry, and we are excited to work alongside their team for Amples’ exchange debut.” Evan Kuo, CEO and founder of Ampleforth.

How to participate

As of 13:00 UTC, qualified users are able to verify for the Ampleforth token sale on Tokinex via the BlockPass app. U.S. persons and persons from other restricted jurisdictions are not permitted to participate in Tokinex (full details are available here).

The Ampleforth sale will commence on 13th June at 13:00 UTC and will end when the 4.9m USD hard cap is reached or 19th June.

“The Ampleforth project is fascinating to us with its refreshing vision to become a unique digital asset and serve as a potential future reserve currency […] We believe it can provide a unique volatility profile, uncorrelated to other digital and traditional assets. This uncharted territory makes Ampleforth, and the team behind it, the perfect first project to list on Tokinex and we are excited to provide an opportunity for the community to be a part of it.” Jean-Louis van der Velde, CEO at Bitfinex.

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