ICO Main Event Contribution Instructions

Opens September 12th, 2017 | 05:00:00 PM | UTC

Elad Kofman
6 min readSep 11, 2017


STU Token — TO THE MOON!!!!

We are excited to deliver the formal Crowdsale Contribution instructions!
*** Pay Attention! Our Formal bitJob Crowdsale page: https://stu.bitjob.io/

This crowdsale is a public event, It is available for the general public to participate.

Crowdsale Termshttps://stu.bitjob.io/

  • Crowdsale Minimum buy-in: No Minimum.
  • 1 ETH = 888 STU.
  • Total STU tokens forever: 200 Million STU. (100%)
  • Presale + CrowdSale allocation: 128 Million STU. (64%).

Bonus distribution:

All of our contributes will get their Bonus STU’s on top of their purchase, only after the official Token Crowdsale has been closed.

Bonus calculation Example

If you contribute 1 ETH while in 1st Tier, you will get 888 STU + 20% Bonus. So you will end up owning 1,065.6 STU.

Read Me Please Crowdsale Terms - https://stu.bitjob.io/

By Contributing to bitJob.io project, the contributors accept the final terms, that will be published on September 12th.

  • All Funds are managed by the crowsale smart contract (STU) and escrowed by a Multi-signature wallet.
  • In case the token formal crowdsale gets delayed, the Pre-sale contract allows participants to claim automatic refunds after September 30th 2017.
  • Tokens need to be claimed from the crowdsale contract after the token sale is over. See the claiming instructions at the end of this document.

*** Do Notice:
During The presale stage, we met the Minimum Goal (500K USD)!
Which means that all transactions are non-refundable.

For any questions, or if you need a personal support to walk you through this process, Please contact Info@tokenmarket.net or Info@bitjob.io.

Participating in the Crowdsale

Do I have an ERC20 compatible wallet?

As we’ve mentioned previously, the ERC20 standard has not only allowed for wallet standardization where developers are able to streamline a solution to hold the various tokens being created, but it also defines a set of functions within the Ethereum network. By adopting the ERC20 standard in our token sale event, we’re ensuring our processes within the Ethereum network are as smooth as possible, and allowing our community to effortlessly store these tokens. Some compatible wallets for this event include Mist, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, and Parity.

Note: incompatible wallets include any exchanges such as Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Gatehub, Bitrexx and more. Exodus and Jaxx aren’t compatible either. Those who transfer funds on these sites will not receive the currency after the contribution.

But how do I send funds using my ERC20 compatible wallet to participate?

Do have one of the mentioned wallets but you’re still not sure how to send funds to participate in the token sale? Check out the following guides for each wallet:

Creating MyEtherWallet account

Go to https://myetherwallet.com

Generate a wallet with a passphrase and store the passphrase in your password manager.

Download the keyfile. Store it safely and keep it private. You use this file to sign in back in to your MyEtherWallet account. Do not lose or publically reveal this file or its password, as it will control access to your tokens. You can also use the same keyfile with other Ethereum wallets.

After downloading the keyfile you are given an option to print a paper backup (recommended).

Wallet Address Example

Topping up your wallet

Sign in to your MyEtherWallet from the Send Ether & Tokens navigation link. You need to give your Keystore File and password.

Transfer ETH from your exchange account to the MyEtherWallet address. Ethereum transactions usually confirm under 2 minutes. If the ETH balance does not show up then hit the refresh in your web browser and sign in to your wallet again.

Making a contribution transaction

After you have balance in your personal wallet, you can send a transaction to the crowdsale sale smart contract with the following parameters. All transaction parameters are compulsory — if you leave out any of the parameters then the smart contract that holds crowdsale funds will reject your transaction.

Note: In cases such as:
1. Wrong gas limit and correct data input.
2. Correct gas limit and wrong data input.
3. Wrong gas limit and wrong data input.

The amount of ETH will be automatically refunded to your own Ethereum wallet address.

Confirming the transaction

After the sending the transaction MyEtherWallet will give you an Etherscan.io link for your transaction tracking in a green pop up dialog box. Click the link. Check that you get a green mark. You can confirm on Etherscan.io if your transaction is successfully deposited on the crowdsale contract. Below is an example of a successful output.

Claiming tokens from the presale contract​

After the token is made transferable the tokens can be claimed from the contract.

Note: You can do this only after the token sale is over. Tokens are not immediately transferable after the token sale is over. The team will announce when the tokens become transferable. This is expected to take 3–4 weeks after the token sale.

Make a transaction from the same account you made the first deposit.Your tokens are transferred to this account instantly.

Questions? Please contact us!

Join our Movement!


We are working around the clock to support our global community!

bitJob Crowdsale Main Event is scheduled for September 12th, 5:00 PM UTC.

