bitJob Progress Update- Our Journey So Far

Yarden Hiltch
Published in
7 min readAug 4, 2018

We are very excited to share with you what we have accomplished and what’s around the corner for bitJob.

We know that our beta release is a bit behind schedule, but we are determined to deliver the best possible product. We don’t believe in compromising on quality and we know that you don’t either! We are working hard to provide us all with a quality product that we can be proud of.

Along the way we’ve overcome various obstacles, and we continue to persist in creating a revolutionary concept with a user-friendly interface. As we look ahead to bitJob’s bright future, we barely feel these bumps along the way.

Today, we are preparing for the upcoming beta release and product release. This is being done while we juggle establishing our platform, expanding our partnerships, focusing on business development, and penetrating new markets and industries. With this in mind, the bitJob family has blossomed from the nuclear family into an all-star team. We are happy to announce a new Head of Academic Engagement, Gabrielle Daniels and a new Head of Partnerships, Aviv Harkov.

Our busy year was full of significant milestones and we are happy to share it with you.

Let’s dive into our progress:


  • Revamped our branding and launched our new website: it goes without saying that an unprecedented product needs a seamless design. Our company is looking to the future with our new compass like logo. Our logo reflects how our product offers our users a new path towards a great career. If you want to read more about these change, please check out our last post here.
  • SOW (scope of work) and platform detailed design : we have expanded our features in the platform, as new scenarios have come up.
  • Joined several new crypto exchanges:
  1. Joining major exchanges requires extensive resources, thus we carefully choose which exchanges you can trade STU.
  2. We join exchanges that fit the following criteria: reputable, secure and have high circulation.

3. In Q1, we added OpenLedger, IDEX and QRYPTOS to the list that already includes Yobit and Hitbtc. In addition to these, we are in the final stages of closing two more leading exchanges, which will go live with the platform launch.

  • Improved our product based on feedback we received: bitJob is based on blockchain technology so when our community gives us feedback, it goes down in our “ledgers.” bitJob is a community and we want to hear from you and learn from you. Together, we’re building the bitJob future.
  • Added registrations for the Beta: We employed various marketing strategies including social media campaigns and connecting with early adopters from all over the world.


  • Met with with over 70 companies in Israel and around the world: over 70 companies opened their doors to bitJob and the opportunities we offer them. We created the foundation for future partnerships that will generate jobs for our users. These companies can offer students and young professionals jobs in a large variety of fields so each one can gain the experience they need to further their careers.
  • We have also connected with hundreds of HR companies to create a large volume of jobs to be added daily to the platform.
  • Product due diligence: creating such a unique product with numerous layers of technology requires a significant focus on due diligence. Every element has to be done just right so that our launch will be a great success.
  • Met with industry leaders: in order to offer our students the maximum number of opportunities, we met with the best, in order to provide the most impact in various industries. By the first meeting with these industry leaders, we opened doors to partnerships and collaborations in the various verticals we are looking to grow the business. These include: aviation, job search engines, major accounting and consulting firms, and study abroad programs.
  • Attended countless conferences in Israel and around the world:
  1. bitJob is a natural place for crypto and blockchain companies to advertise jobs. They post their job in one place, bitJob, and the world of crypto-curious students pounce on them. We believe the strategic networking we did at conferences will help strengthen the bitJob brand in the future.

2. We take part in some of the largest crypto and blockchain conferences in the world, where we spread the word about bitJob and connect with potential partnerships for the various parts of our business.

3. We seek to increase the involvement of our community in our day to day by updating on a weekly basis on various social media platforms — such as Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn — about all of the conferences will are attending in Israel and around the world.

  • Connected with crypto influencers to gain more exposure and strengthen the bitJob brand:
  1. After in depth market research, we chose influencers with large audiences that create quality content in various social media networks. This has resulted in increased global awareness of bitJob and in strengthening our brand within the crypto and blockchain communities.

2. The content the influencers have published have made it to some of the major blockchain sites, as well as to various blogs on YouTube.

  • Weekly lectures series with potential users on both ends of our business:
  • We have partnered with a tech hub in Tel Aviv to present bitJob from a business and personal perspective to people who are visiting for work and/or pleasure.
  • Visitors in this tech hub have the chance to hear about the vision of bitJob, see the platform and its capabilities, and have a Q&A session with one of the core members of our team.


  • We moved our HQ to Tel Aviv — the heart of the Startup Nation: bitJob is now located in the center of Israel’s startup ecosystem granting us easy access to current and future partners.
  • We expanded our core team — Gabrielle Daniels, Head of Academic Engagement and Aviv Harkov, new Head of Partnerships: we have a lot of challenges ahead and the team to knock each one right out of the park! Gabrielle has been focusing on creating student ambassadors around the globe, as well as developing relationships academic partners such as student organizations and university administrators. Aviv will be bringing in employers and corporate partners so we can offer our students a sea of career opportunities.
  • Added advanced features to the platform: these additions utilize recent updates in blockchain technology, including: verification and digital identity creation, reputation models, dynamic resumes, and automation processes in payment methods.
  • We enhanced our business plan with a new concept: no spoilers! We’ll share this with our community soon!
  • We have focused on quality assurance and recruiting testers : today, users are only engaged when a product’s UX/UI is top notch. We can’t budge on quality and we know you don’t either! Our students deserve the best so we have been working on providing them with that. For that reason we have been working around the clock to QA every new feature that our developers have added to the platform.
  • Preparing to launch and fine tuning : the finishing touches are being done on our product and site. The devil is in the details so we are going over the site, top to bottom to ensure that it is top notch, as we have mentioned above.
  • Integration with one of the major job search engines: we are integrating with one of the largest global job search engines, which will create large volumes of opportunities flowing into the bitJob platform.

What’s Next?

  • Continuing business development: focusing both on students and employers: “If you build it they will come” is not as guaranteed as “if you bring them, they will come”. Students and employers require different approaches. We will focus on each one and bring the finest employees and employers to our platform. Our new team members have the experience to ring in the best of the best and push bitJob to the next level.
  • Broadening our social media presence and increasing our subscribers:

1. We will use targeted campaigns on Facebook and Google in order to bring in quality users for our platform.

2. Grow our organic audience in the various social media networks.

3. Upon growing the number of users, the number of token holders will grow as well, which will grow the demand for STU in the open markets and exchanges.

  • Creating the biggest talent pool in the world for jobs and students: this is the bread and butter of bitJob. We built this company to build the biggest and best global student talent pool and offer them jobs worthy of their status, while simultaneously providing employers with a bevy of high caliber employees. This will always be our goal and is the compass in our logo directing us in the future.
  • Developing a marketing campaign to allow further growth: growth is the name of the game and it will be the focus of our marketing campaign in the future. Today, bitJob is small but tomorrow it will be a household name. Our marketing will be aimed at guaranteeing that every dorm room is filled with bitJob enthusiasts and every boardroom is filled bitJob users.
  • Final checkups and deploying our blockchain features to the MainNet

For those of you who have made it this far, thank you for passion and interest in bitJob! Next week we will reveal a video on the progress we have made on the platform and in September we will launch the test program to our open platform. In October we will go live with our global ambassador program, and after you recover from Halloween, we will have our beta launch in the beginning of November. Finally, to ring in the New Year, in January 2019, we will have our viable product release.

Thank you to all those who believed in us from the start and to all those who have joined along the way. We are so excited for what is to come and can’t wait to take you all along with us for this amazing ride. Stay active in all of the different platforms and networks to stay updated with what we’re doing!

Stay Tuned:

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