Go to BitPay On Bitcoin
BitPay On Bitcoin
Observations and thoughts on bitcoin from the industry's leader in bitcoin payments
Note from the editor

Observations and thoughts on bitcoin from the industry's leader in bitcoin payments

Go to the profile of BitPay
The world's leading provider of blockchain payment technology.
Go to the profile of James L. Walpole
James L. Walpole
I enjoy philosophy, music, tech, living freely, & discovering frontiers. College opt-out, @DiscoverPraxis alumnus. Marketing bitcoin payment tech with @BitPay.
Go to the profile of Charles Pustejovsky
Charles Pustejovsky
Eastern Orthodox Programmer who likes to think about big issues. My development posts are here: https://dev.to/cpustejovsky
Go to the profile of BitPay
The world's leading provider of blockchain payment technology.
Go to the profile of Stephen Pair
Stephen Pair
Co-Founder & CEO @bitpay - Bitcoin Payment Services
Go to the profile of James L. Walpole
James L. Walpole
I enjoy philosophy, music, tech, living freely, & discovering frontiers. College opt-out, @DiscoverPraxis alumnus. Marketing bitcoin payment tech with @BitPay.
Go to the profile of Jason Dreyzehner
Jason Dreyzehner
Bitcoin Cash, software security, and markets. Working on @Bitauth, previously at @BitPay.