Go to Bits & Giggles
Bits & Giggles
Bits & Giggles explores the intersections of technology, humor, playfulness, and just plain fun!
Note from the editor

Bits & Giggles explores the intersections of technology, humor, playfulness, and just plain fun!

Go to the profile of Joselyn McDonald
Joselyn McDonald
Technologist & Researcher. Currently thinking about: Surveillance Resistance + FemmeTech. Sr.Analyst and Instructor at Duke University. @gucci_bagel
Go to the profile of Asha Toulmin
Asha Toulmin
UX Researcher @ Google (my opinions are my own!) Working to create less transactional experiences between people and technology.
Go to the profile of Hannah Mernyk
Hannah Mernyk
Current HCI Masters student at Carnegie Mellon, background in Psychology, Spatial Cognition, and Education
Go to the profile of Brooke Sachs
Brooke Sachs
Freshly-minted master of human-computer interaction. Interested in service design, analytics, responsive environments, pizza, and puppies.