The Sturg’s This or That: Spring Fling Edition

Another awesome monthly This or That challenge from Brett Jenae Tomlin

Photo by Max Titov on Unsplash

Another ToT challenge? I got so excited to get to the computer when I read this, that I knocked my partner over on the bed when I got the notification and knocked the croissant and coffee he was drinking out of his hand. Sorry, love, but when BJ calls, I answer…quickly. I do have a title to defend, after all.

  1. Trophy or Tiara? Tiaras are certainly pretty and I do like feeling like a princess every once in a while but I think that I’m going to go with a trophy here. Namely, the trophy that I won from the last This or That Challenge when I got the most in common with BJ and won that coveted and sweet prize that I’m defending this time around. Jealous, much? “Champion, hell yeah!!” in Joe Swanson from Family Guy’s voice.
  2. Slow Dance or Fast Dance? I am disabled. I don’t move that fast for anything, particularly not for dancing. I’m going slow dancing all day. When I was about 10 years old and at my cousin’s wedding, I was flailing my arms around going fast on the dance floor at the reception in what I called dancing but that was three decades ago.
  3. Corsage or Boutonnière? I’m going with a boutonnière here. They look elegant when paired with a suit and I look damn good in a suit. I don’t even have to say so myself. I’ve been told so many times that I have and I’m sticking to that story.
  4. Mustang or Corvette? Okay, is this a real question? There’s only one obvious answer here and as I do with every challenge, I will loudly judge anyone who chooses the wrong one here. What am I, a little person? Why would I be driving a Corvette? Did my real car explode and this was the only remaining option? Are you kidding me? I’m going to admit that I’m a bit biased. I’m a Ford guy through and through and the speed, power, and elegance of a Mustang appeal to me so much. I’m definitely choosing the Mustang.
  5. Curfew or No Curfew? I have no curfew right now since I’m a grown man, obviously. When I was going to the dances in high school, though, I was on a curfew. Since I am a grown man and not a teenager anymore, I’m going to pick the fun one. I don’t have a curfew and I never will again.
  6. Table or Floor? Table dancing? What am I, a stripper? Hmm, I’m dancing on the floor. We’re also not at a bar and “white girl wasted”. I will always dance on the floor if I’m going to dance at all. I mean, that is, unless you’re buying me a drink. 😉
  7. Barefoot or Shoes? Yeah, nobody wants to see the Sturg’s feet. It is an absolute mess down there. I probably need a few pedicures before I even give anyone a peek down there. I always wear shoes wherever I go. I love wearing shoes and am too old to be caught anywhere barefoot. I’d probably die on the side of the road stranded without shoes on.
  8. Tater ToTs or French Fries? I love, love, love potatoes. Choosing between tater tots and french fries is like asking me which one of my children I love more. It’s unfair but sometimes for the sake of winning, one must make that Sophie’s Choice, so I’m going with french fries. There are so many different styles of fries and they are the preferred meal partner to another one of my favorite foods, hamburgers. Plus, tater tots were a huge treat for us when we were kids and I’m clearly not a kid anymore, at least not most of the time.
  9. Butterflies or Hummingbirds? Butterflies, they’re gorgeous and colorful. Hummingbirds are, well, just creepy. They fly so fast and are so tiny that they could fly right by you before you even notice that they’re there. If the Chinese really wanted to implement some sort of spy program, they probably could’ve used hummingbirds and no one would’ve noticed. Poor balloons.
  10. Cucumber or Melon? I’m assuming this is for eating and not where my mind went first. I’m going to go with melon. There are so many different varieties of melon that are so refreshing, particularly in the spring months. I really like cantaloupe and honeydew. Watermelons are more for the summer but they’re also notable enough to mention here.
  11. St. Patty’s or Spring Equinox? My partner has Irish ancestry on both sides of his family. I have a little bit on one side of my family. I’m not a big drinker but I’ll still have an occasional beer or whiskey. Yeah, whiskey and not that froufrou vodka. I love going to celebrate St. Patty’s so that’s definitely my answer. Nothing wrong with Spring Equinox especially since it signals the beginning of Spring but you better be wearing green on March 17th this year.
  12. Man Cave or Diva Den? The answer both here would be so appropriate but we don’t do that here at BJ’s This or That. I love having my own little space to just man out, whatever that means, so I’m going with man cave. That’s where I write, be as creative as I’d like to be, and play video games.
  13. Staycation or Spring Break? I’m not in college anymore so I’m going with a staycation any day over Spring Break. I’ve already seen enough skin at a beach in my lifetime to write an entire book. Staycations can be whatever you make them. Spring Break seems too party-oriented and has “show me what you’ve got” vibes to it.
  14. Lilacs or Lilies? I had to look them up really quickly to make sure I knew the difference between the two. What I found is that both of them have many different varieties with different meanings depending on the color of the one that you choose. I remember something about water lilies and just how pretty I find white lilies so I’m going to go with it based on that reason. I’m not really a botanist or anything like that so if you gave me either, I would be none the wiser.
  15. Grass or Clover? Are we talking about that type of grass? I mean, I do love me some strong, relaxing grass. As long as it doesn’t look like it came freshly cut off of someone’s lawn, but since it’s the month of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m going with clover, since a four-leaf clover is lucky and it might win me another ToT trophy erring on the side of luck rather than pleasure. 🍀
  16. Rainbows or Recklessness? I love a good rainbow. Recklessness is a bit much for me these days. So I’m easily picking anything rainbow. Yeah, even you, Skittles. Marshawn Lynch liked you and he ran for a bunch of yards in the NFL. There must be some sort of magic potion in that candy. And have you ever seen a double rainbow? It makes some people just bawl…
  17. Timely or Tailgating? Who doesn’t love a good tailgate? Good food, good drinks, fun people, and hanging out in a large parking lot before and sometimes while the game is going on. I remember attending so many tailgates in Oakland before A’s and during Raiders games because who actually wants to watch the Raiders play football when you could be less disappointed by celebrating while they most likely lose? Now, they’re in Vegas, they might as well go to the casino since they have a better chance of winning that way.
  18. Feathers or Foam? Am I wearing a boa or going to a foam party at the club? If there wasn’t another question that I really wanted to answer “both” to. I guess that I’m going to go with feathers only because if I have enough of them, am drunk enough, and believe hard enough, I might actually believe that I can fly. What, did you think that I was going to link the R. Kelly version of that song here? Ew…
  19. Lawn Flamingos or Garden Gnomes? Garden gnomes are creepy as hell. Are they supposed to be little people that got frozen in time? Are they supposed to guard anything? They’re solidly frozen. I’m going with lawn flamingos. Those seem more welcoming and less creepy. I accidentally kicked a garden gnome one time in my friend’s yard and I swear it came out of nowhere. Creepy, right?
  20. Crystal or Disco Ball? Disco balls are so cool. Even almost fifty years later after the genre first became super popular. I still enjoy buying 70s-style clothing at thrift stores when I can find them. Crystal is nice but feels too formal for my fun-loving self. I’m going with a disco ball all day and we can all dance to “Saturday Night Fever”.

The Spring Fling for me just like for BJ was definitely an awkward dance to attend. They also had the thing where the girls asked the guy. The part that sucked for me is that there were no girls that I knew of that wanted to ask me to those. I secretly hoped that I’d get a chance to ask a guy in my senior year but I didn’t end up following through. At that point, I just wanted to get out of high school. If reading the answers to the challenge that I’ve presented leads you to want to bust out your old yearbooks and photos, then go for it, and then join in on the fun of this challenge. We’ll all be waiting and dancing until you get here.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
BJ’s This or That — The Gathering Table

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.