Photographic Meetup Minutes for Taipei Video Technology #3

Shuen-Huei (Drake) Guan
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2019

Last evening, on 2019/03/13, we held the Taipei Video Technology #3 at CLBC, a lovely place. As the host, with a microphone on my hands, I can’t help sharing some quick photographic notes :D

Oh, an Japanese translation by Takesato Hayashi is here, レポート「Taipei Video Technology #3」.

4 organizers behind. Love the event :D

Again, KKStream works with 17 Media and Umbo CV to organize the event. The 2nd time to co-organize the event. Glad to work with Neal, David and Kevin again to make the event successful and playable.

Guess what, this time, we have even better photos :D

Let’s smile, everyone :D

This time, we have 80 registrars, more people than the previous two events, participating in the event together. There are even three Japanese experts joining us! Try point them out if you can.

Companies behind attendees. Thank you for coming :D
Neal shared the difference of perceptual bitrate-quality plots.

Neal, as the 1st speaker, shared his experience at Demuxed 2018. This is his 3rd-time presentation in Taipei Video Tech meetups. Maybe we should award him a medal for this.

He pointed out two important factors for the next-gen per-title encoding: 1) being perceptual-wise; and 2) being streaming-oriented.

Racing and Jonas demonstrated the dashboard of game-play bots.

Racing and Jonas, from 17 Media, for the 2nd session, shared their design and implementation of an interactive card game, 狼人殺, over the peer-to-peer live streaming.

Never thought about playing a card game or even board game while having a live streaming with a group of friends. One attendee raised a good question “how to deliver the face-to-face experience of board gaming through online live streaming?”

Hiromine Kanazawa introduced himself to Taiwan friends here.

Hiro-san, who prefers this calling, as the 3rd and the final session speaker, and as a Japanese subtitle expert, shared us how complicated Japanese subtitle is, especially compared to the western world. Even though we know there is an article by Netflix for this, we are still shocked by the complexity behind.

The conclusion? Go with the hybrid solution of WebVTT for timing and image for display. And there is a standard, ISMC1.1, for the future.

Oh, forgot to mention again. Hiro-san, with Takesato-san and Katsu-san, are the organizers behind Tokyo Video Tech. We are quite aggressive to create more synergy between Tokyo and Taipei!

Raise your hand if you ever attended the previous events.

There are, roughly, 30% (not sure the exact number) of attendees participated in these events before. And there are a few, maybe 5, people attended all three meetups.

Two companies showed their great support to this event: iKala and CatchPlay. In order to thank for their great support, we would like to invite them to host the next event together :D

Ludan in front of agenda table. Really a nice shot!

This time, we have three sessions, with more organized agenda, learned from Tokyo Video Tech.

As the host, me, it’s challenging as well as interesting to manage the flow and tempo of the whole event. To control each session’s time is quite important, but to secure each session’s completeness is also quite significant. Overall, we are still having 10~20 minutes late.

The side view of attendees. I should take a front view next time :D
Sometimes, we worry much about photographer’s safety. They are just too professional to take a good shot.

Oh! I forgot to mention the venue. CLBC Soapbox (肥皂箱), located at Dazhi, Neihu District (內湖區大直), the northeastern in Taipei. It is not easy to find the entrant gate, but it is worthy. Nice Wifi, clear and sharp projector, and the space is big enough for 50~100 people. The staffs are friendly and supportive. Definitely recommend for event hosting.

The gathering of speakers and hosts. Cheer~

Meeting Takesato Hayashi, Hiromine Kanazawa and Katsuyuki Sakai is a big surprise to me, personally. It all happened along with Demuxed. Or I should say, on Demuxed. In Feb, I went to Tokyo Video Tech #2 for a lightning talk, and then this time, they came to Taipei.

You always never know what is gonna happen for a trip :)

We all know the last minutes are quite important for a speaker to finish her/his slides.

Finally, thx for two sponsors: AWS and 网宿科技. With their kind sponsorship, we have this lovely venue and some food to re-energize. Are you or your company interested to sponsor our next event? Leave the message :)

Me talking to Michelle in AWS and Michelle in Akamai.
Thank you, AWS!
educational, inspiring, entertaining, and thought-provoking.



Shuen-Huei (Drake) Guan

thinking, planning, coding and inspiring something about human beings, and then tech...