Go to BlindSpot Security
BlindSpot Security
Building the first Software Supply Chain Malicious Code Detection platform.
Note from the editor

Building the first Software Supply Chain Malicious Code Detection platform.

Go to the profile of Yoad Fekete
Yoad Fekete
I'm a DevOps Engineer by heart, and the CEO & Co-Founder of BlindSpot Security. I'm addicted to Cats & Drums.
Go to the profile of Yakir Ben-Aliz
Yakir Ben-Aliz
Machine Tamer | AI | CV | DL | DS | any relevant 2 letters set
Go to the profile of Yoad Fekete
Yoad Fekete
I'm a DevOps Engineer by heart, and the CEO & Co-Founder of BlindSpot Security. I'm addicted to Cats & Drums.
Go to the profile of Yakir Ben-Aliz
Yakir Ben-Aliz
Machine Tamer | AI | CV | DL | DS | any relevant 2 letters set