Overview of the publication (Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, Web3.0)

Hi All,

I am typing this on 2, April, 2021, 10:10 AM (UTC) to let the people know the vision & overview of this publication (Blockchain, crypto, Defi, Web3.0) and intention of mine for this publication.

About - Me

My name has been Madhu Sanjeevi (Mady) being a software enthusiast & engineer for more than 5 years till this point, worked for few+ companies over the years as an s/w engineer building mobile applications, web applications and AI applications,

I have good amount of knowledge in building software products and Have interest in sharing my knowledge to other people through blogs and meetups.

I have written many blogs in the field of “Artificial Intelligence” under the publication named “Deep Math Machine learning.ai” and conducted tons of meetups in AI space in various cities.

Now I wanna do the same for the Blockchain Technology, that’s the reason you are reading this.

PS: I love the country “Italy” as I lived there for a year so Ciao, e benvenuto.

About - Publication

The goal of this publication is to provide the knowledge about the blockchain technology and It’s applications and their applications.

The publication includes a series of stories in the space of blockchain, crypto and Decentralised Finance, the stories will be classified for different users and contain the philosophy of this technology, the theoretical concepts of the tech, the practical applications , the progress of the tech and its nitty gritty.

The target users for this publication would be any

  1. Software engineers
  2. Blockchain developers
  3. Tech experts & hippies
  4. Newbies
  5. Whoever is interested.

The publication assumes you have a little/ no idea about the blockchain and it makes you become an expert in blockchain at the end (there is no end BTW).

The stories in this publication will be written in English and They contain memes, some swear images/words, jokes ( for entertaining purposes ) and links of other good resources/references and some some syntactical/semantical english mistakes as the author’s first language is Not English. ( if found , please inform/educate the author)

In this page, It contains all the links of stories in chronological order and gets updated every time new stories are written by the author.

The knowledge you will get from this publication

Blockchain & it’s concepts philosophy.

→ Detailed understanding of concepts

→ Programming aspects and Dapps

→ Progress, Technology and Upgrades

→ News about Regulations & Politics ( Although, the author is not interested but useful to know and be aware of )

Final thoughts

If you are one of the people who is interested/passionate about building software (any) and like to collaborate/discuss ideas , feel free to reach out to me.

If you are someone who can hire somebody in my network (through my reference) for building software , feel free to reach out to me.

I will appreciate your thoughts/feedbacks/critics/ideas so reach out to me casually.

Reach out via

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mady_ai

Email : madhusanjeevi.ai@gmail.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/madhusanjeeviai/


  1. The philosophy of the blockchain technology.

2. The beginner guide to blockchain.

3. The bitcoin blockchain complete guide (Comin soon)

