QUDO Launch Airdrop for Early Adopters

Diogo Abreu
Block Bastards
Published in
7 min readDec 23, 2022

I’m sure the title has hinted at it, but any member of our community knows how much we appreciate all of the support and engagement we’ve had during the last few years of development. We released QUDO on the Telos test net in March 2020 and it has been fully operational since then, with a steady increase in both users and games available. Some of those users have been with us for several years now and we couldn’t overlook that. As a result, we chose to award them based on their gaming activity and account age, rather than their account balance in test-tokens.

All QUDO early adopters will be offered QUDO tokens if they meet the following requirements before the snapshot that will occur near (before) the main net launch:

  • Created a QUDO account
  • Played QUDO adherent games while logged into QUDO
  • Grabbed the test-net tokens assigned to them at least once.
  • Migrated their Telos account (Self-managed)
  • Be a member of QUDO’s Telegram or Discord

How many QUDO tokens will be distributed through early adopters?

A total of 18 583 714,29 QUDO tokens will be offered to active players and game developers as a prize/giveaway. From these, ~13.6 million tokens will be rewarded to players based on their gaming activity, while ~4 million tokens will be rewarded to players based on their account age.
This means that active players will receive main-net QUDO tokens for both their gaming activity and account age.

Game developer accounts will be excluded from the rewards that were previously mentioned as they have a specific amount of tokens allocated to them (~918 thousand tokens), which will be distributed to game developers whose games are connected to QUDO and are actively being played. — more about this below.

So… How will these tokens be distributed?

  • Gaming Activity (73.12%): There will be 6 categories of players. Each category will have a different number of tokens in its pool , to be distributed evenly amongst its players and the eligibility of its Founder’s Tier NFT*. Players will be ranked based on their gaming activity, which represents the time they spent playing and that leads them to the appropriate category. The top category has less players and a bigger pool size, while bottom category has more players and a smaller pool size. If less than 10,000 users are eligible at the time of the snapshot, the rewards will be capped at the proportionate amount. The remaining tokens will be reserved for future giveaways.
QUDO’s Tier 1 NFT interoperable gaming asset
QUDO NFT interoperable gaming assets
  • Account age (21.94%): There are 3 test-net epochs based on major changes to the QUDO platform, resulting in different block rewards for each of these epochs. Players that meet the requirements will also be eligible for an Early Adopter NFT badge*, depending on its epoch, marking their early adoption.

Each player is assigned to one of three epochs based on the first time they grabbed their test tokens.

**The number of gamers on Epoch 3 is still growing. Therefore, the gamers in each round and the tokens per gamer will defer at the time of the snapshot.

The remaining 4.94% will be distributed via active game developers (more on this below).

We’re sure you have some questions, so let us see if we can address them all below.

What are the expected dates for each Epoch?

Epoch1: March 3rd, 2020 (22:15:59 UTC) — May 21st, 2021 (17:52:50 UTC)

Epoch2: May 21st, 2021 (17:52:51 UTC)— February 17th, 2022 (16:33:05 UTC)

Epoch3: February 17th, 2022 (16:33:06 UTC)—Until snapshot date

What if a user registered on epoch1 and only started playing on epoch3?

In terms of Account Age, this player will be considered a player from Epoch 3, because Account Age refers to the time of the first gameplay activity (when a player first started playing while logged-in to QUDO), regardless of when the account was created. Additionally, this player will also rank in the Gaming Activity category based on this gaming activity until the snapshot date.

When is the snapshot date?

Since the main-net launch date is not yet defined, the snapshot date, which should occur near the main-net launch date, isn’t either. This allows all players to achieve the highest attainable score by playing as much as possible in order to get a higher rank for the gaming activity prize.

When will the tokens be distributed?

Eligible users will receive their tokens one month after QUDO’s mainnet launch.

What about the benefits for other user types?

At main-net launch, there will be four types:

Game Developers and Service Providers are also Gamers, so all of the above applies to these accounts in terms of gaming activity and account age (as Gamers).

Gaming Guilds (Guild Owner accounts) do not report activity, therefore, none of the above applies to these accounts. Instead, these Gaming Guilds are competing for the Top5 Guilds Rank, which grants these Gaming Guilds a spot in the QUDO Partner Seats, which will be updated monthly, after main-net launch (more info on the Top5 Guilds Rank here). Also, every gamer belonging to these guilds is reporting activity while playing and therefore benefiting from the giveaway, as mentioned above.

Game Developers and Service Providers are also eligible for the QUDO Partner Seats, based on their engagement and support to the project. You’ll find more about this in the QUDO Whitepaper (to be released soon).

Finally, Game Developers will also be rewarded based on the activity of their games, i.e. how much their games have been played by gamers (more info below).

How is Game Developers’ Activity calculated and how are they rewarded according to this?

Game Developers also get rewarded based on the activity reported in their games, regardless of the Epochs. This means that the sum of all reported gaming activities by games, since the beginning of Epoch1 until the snapshot date, will get them a share of the tokens set to be offered to active game developers (Game Developers with at least one game available and active until the snapshot date).

Game Developers will also be eligible for a Founder Game Developer NFT badge* to mark their early adoption.

** The number of gamedevs in this round will depend on the number of active gamedevs we have at the time of the snapshot.

The number of tokens distributed to each game developer will be determined by the overall activity reported by their games when compared to the total activity reported during the whole test-net gaming activity.

*The ability to reward all the NFTs mentioned in this giveaway is still subject to the final implementation of this technology, which is still under development. Block Bastards reserves the right to revoke the decision to reward the aforementioned NFTS.

This giveaway is offered by Block Bastards to all of its users and it does not grant those users any rights to object to their rewards.

