Go to Block360 Labs
Block360 Labs
We research cutting-edge technologies and transform concepts to prototypes
Note from the editor

Block360 Labs is where we research and use the scientific method to develop innovative solutions based on cutting-edge technologies, including but not limited to blockchain, distributed systems, internet of things.

Go to the profile of Yumna Ghazi
Yumna Ghazi
Co-Founder and Technical Lead @Block360
Go to the profile of Usman Fazil
Usman Fazil
Blockchain and crypto enthusiast, exploring the vast field of peer to peer communication. Check git here https://github.com/usmanfazil
Go to the profile of Sidra
Blockchain Developer, Blockchain Researcher, Web3 Technical Writer
Go to the profile of zaryab khan
Go to the profile of Usman Iqbal
Go to the profile of Haider Yaqoob