Player Found the Secret Tribute Genome

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe


We are super happy about the tribute genome spotting game we did with you guys.

Cutieneer community is truly amazing at investigating and figuring stuff out. No matter how sneaky we got with some parts, the secret was out even before we finished the game.

The secret genome was discovered and recreated by the person everyone expected it to be — the pro Cutie breeder Dragon Food.

Dragon Food managed to breed the game’s very first hedgehog tribute with only a few hints of its genome.

Congratulations Dragon Food!

And it is with great joy we welcome Quartz tribute into the game.

About Quartz

Quartz is inspired by Brownie — an adorable hedgehog from Jewel Land. Brownie is cheerful, supportive, and kind. He represents creativity and imagination. It is one of the cutest and brightest hedgehogs we have ever created.

The first Quartz in Blockchain Cuties Universe looks like this:

🐉🦔1st Hedge Tribute Quartz by Dragon Food

This hedgehog looks like a little fluffy miracle and has a powerful golden attribute.

Dragon Food managed to breed this tribute by throwing bears, hedgehogs, and even one snow owl into the mix.

Quite an original combination.

Right now, there are only 15 Quartz tribute Cuties in the entire game. All of them live on the TRON blockchain. Also, a good portion of the Quartz population descends from the original one.

Now that the secret is out, it’s a matter of skill to recreate this tribute on other blockchains. And we will be happy to see these bright hedgehogs running around Cutieland.

Good luck, Cutieneers!

Check our wiki for a few pointers on genome and breedings. Check out this post to make your first steps in breeding tribute Cuties.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨