Wars of Cutieland: Resources And Economy

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe


Many of Cutieneers have already claimed their capitals and are eager to know what it will take to build a city, a state or even an empire. What will act as a building block and how do you get your hands on them?

We have teased that we will be sharing more information this week, so here we go!

Development of Wars of Cutiland is in full swing and today we will be sharing some details on Cutieland’s resource mining.

Cutieland’s natural resources

When you will settle in Cutieland and claim your capital, you will be able to explore the area around it.

In this territory, you will see the probability of getting valuable resources from the land. For example, you might spot a forest with 67% chance to give you lumber.

Land resource levels

Every Land resource has it’s own level starting from level 1 all the way up to level 10. With each level, the capacity of the resource reserve is increased.

Types of resources and how to get them

The basic resources are:

  • Wood
  • Food
  • Stone
  • Titanium

To mine those resource you will need special buildings. The core resource buildings are:

  • Lumber mill for wood
  • Farm for food
  • Quarry for stone
  • Titanium mine for titanium

Each building has a leveling system. The higher the level, the more resources you’ll be able to procure.

These buildings will need to be operated by Cuties. Recruiting the right Cuties for the job will define your resource output. Both Cutie’s generation and its elements are taken into account with the overall number of Cuties working in the building.

More information on Cuties that you will send to work can be found here:

Cutie element bonuses

Each element has a bonus for a particular building.

  • Water — increased production cap for Farm (0.5% per point in element)
  • Earth — increased production cap for Lumber Mill (0.5% per point in element)
  • Water — increased production cap for Quarry (0.5% per point in element)
  • Fire — increased production cap for Titanium Mine (0.5% per point in element)

Exhausting the resource

Every resource in Cutieland is finite. After reaching the maxim output the number of resources you will be able to obtain will gradually decrease. The output will become smaller and smaller until the resource is completely depleted.

We hope you liked this little sneak peek into the future of Cutieland’s economy. Good luck in breeding your future workforce, Cutieneers!

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨ https://blockchaincuties.com