Go to Blockchain Insper
Blockchain Insper
A Blockchain Insper é a primeira entidade universitária sobre blockchain no Brasil. Somos pioneiros nessa nova área do conhecimento e acreditamos muito no potencial brasileiro. Nossa visão é capacitar pessoas e conectá-las ao mercado da tecnologia.
Note from the editor

A Blockchain Insper é a primeira entidade universitária sobre blockchain no Brasil. Somos pioneiros nessa nova área do conhecimento e acreditamos muito no potencial brasileiro. Nossa visão é capacitar pessoas e conectá-las ao mercado da tecnologia.

Go to the profile of Blockchain Insper
Go to the profile of Lucas Muchaluat
Lucas Muchaluat
President of Blockchain Insper • Business Director @ Blockchain Insper • Computer Engineering Student @ Insper • https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-muchaluat/
Go to the profile of Thiago da Costa
Thiago da Costa
Founder of Blockchain Insper • Head of Research @ Blockchain Insper • Economics Student @ Insper • https://www.linkedin.com/in/thiagodacostaa/
Go to the profile of Theodoro Abreu
Theodoro Abreu
Basicamente um estudante de economia liberal, geek, hodler e trader em crypto. Analista em pesquisa e conteúdo @ Blockchain insper
Go to the profile of Bernardo de Almeida
Go to the profile of Henrique Thome
Go to the profile of Henrique Ferraz
Henrique Ferraz
Business student at Insper, Brazil. Crypto enthusiastic and Content Analyst at Blockchain Insper.
Go to the profile of Lucas Muchaluat
Lucas Muchaluat
President of Blockchain Insper • Business Director @ Blockchain Insper • Computer Engineering Student @ Insper • https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-muchaluat/
Go to the profile of Enzo Takeshi
Go to the profile of Valter Alencar Rebelo
Go to the profile of matheuspecorarii@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Arthur Ferreira
Go to the profile of Luiz Vitor Germanos
Go to the profile of David Almeida
Go to the profile of Marcelo Lisboa de Castro Reis
Marcelo Lisboa de Castro Reis
Mechanical engineering student, Business Analyst at Blockchain Insper and a technology enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Victor Jurdi
Go to the profile of Andre de Weber