Go to Blockchain Media
Blockchain Media
Our community publishes stories worth reading on Bitcoin, blockchain, and decentralization.
Note from the editor

Our community publishes stories worth reading on Bitcoin, blockchain, and decentralization.

Go to the profile of Blockchain Ninja
Blockchain Ninja
From old school Bitcoin to bleeding edge platforms like Ethereum, Golem, and Aeternity. News and thoughts about decentralized future.
Go to the profile of Bernard Golden
Bernard Golden
Named by Wired.com as one of the ten most influential persons in cloud computing. Learn more at bernardgolden.com
Go to the profile of William Mougayar
William Mougayar
Author, The Business Blockchain (Wiley, 2016). Kin Foundation Ex-Chair. Investor. Speaker. 3x entrepreneur. HP, Cognizant. Blockchain theorist & strategist.
Go to the profile of Eugene Lukyanov
Eugene Lukyanov
Check out Eugene Lukyanov (@cyborbit): https://twitter.com/cyborbit Quora contributor https://www.quora.com/profile/Eugene-Lukianov AI, Biotech admirer.
Go to the profile of Jean-Michel Pailhon
Jean-Michel Pailhon
CIO at Grail Capital - Ex-executive @Ledger ; ex Board @FranceFintech ; ex @NYSE @Euronext ; now #NFT and Digital Art
Go to the profile of Jon Southurst
Jon Southurst
Tech, money & innovation media, occasional propagandist. Online content producer at @Bitsonlinecom @CoinBillboard + others.
Go to the profile of Doc Searls
Doc Searls
Author of The Intention Economy, co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, Fellow of CITS at UCSB, alumnus Fellow of the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard.