Blockchain Studio and QR Capital

Lucas Pérez
Blockchain Studio BR
2 min readFeb 6, 2019
Blockchain Studio and QR Capital

Every new technology or product inspires mixed feelings when it is presented to the public, suspiciousness, fear, excitement, disbelief, instant adoption or rejection. To the ones that are in the instant adoption category, it can be a very lonely path until this new technology is understood and accepted by most. But, as I explained in another opportunity (, the creation of Blockchain Studio was only possible due to networking with people as excited with blockchain as we are. And we still value it today!

QRCapital is a company that provides crypto exchange, crypto education, crypto market research and crypto management services. The idea is to offer a reliable exchange platform to the user with the research team providing reports about the market and courses to create a crypto culture. The differential about this company is not only the educational aspect but also the crypto management services where you can rely on a team of experts backed by the research team to invest your money in crypto with their expertise and also the option of relying on the AI with machine learning to do the same.

It is amazing to be able to see other applications in the blockchain and crypto world. QR Capital needed to create their platform for the exchange services, the user interface, and platform interface for the crypto management services. We developed the platform and the integration of the crypto management system, so it could be offered as a product by one of the biggest crypto exchanges in Brazil, Foxbit!

