Ode to decentralization, Stellar and AWS

A lot has happened over the last 90 days — our public node deployment tool went live, we launched G-Coin™, Stellar and Quorum deployment tools and fine-tuned our enterprise offering.

Bare metal Nodes.

When we set out to create Blockdaemon, we wanted to offer the blockchain community simple background processes (hence the word daemon), while taking the concept of decentralization to the infrastructure layer. That layer often gets subdivided into software and hardware, and we intend to connect…

Let’s Use Crypto to Fuel Crypto: Why Blockdaemon is Accepting Payment in Crypto

When we first decided to create Blockdaemon, we wanted to build an abstraction layer developers could use to launch blockchain applications on top of network hardware. Pre-configuration tools…

How we closed our $500k pre-seed round

We’re excited to announce that Blockdaemon just closed a $500k seed round with investments from Plug and Play and Boldstart Ventures!

We took our time and engaged with potential investors carefully. Ultimately, we decided to steer away…

Why we’re building Blockdaemon, the Heroku of Blockchain

Hi. I’m Konstantin, and today I’m psyched to announce the official launch of Blockdaemon, a nodes-as-a-service deployment solution for developers keen to launch product rather than concepts. It was a long time in the making — the…