Real World B2B Blockchain Solutions
Note from the editor

BLOCKPOOL is taking blockchain theory and delivering practical business to business solutions that work in the real world. Founded by a group of Blockchain experts, utilising our previous experience, our platform is uniquely flexible and designed to integrate with, or replace, legacy systems. Working with multiple verticals of all sizes across a range of different sectors, our Initial Coin Offering is now underway.

Go to the profile of BLOCKPOOL
B2B Blockchain Technology
Go to the profile of Brandon Cook
Go to the profile of Andrew Cox
Andrew Cox
Andrew is responsible for writing software for Blockpool. He also loves getting involved in the crypto community. And whisky — good whisky…
Go to the profile of David
COO of Blockpool Ltd, I have embarked on a blockchain journey that i hope takes me to enlightenment. It is here where I hope to share some of those stories.
Go to the profile of David
COO of Blockpool Ltd, I have embarked on a blockchain journey that i hope takes me to enlightenment. It is here where I hope to share some of those stories.
Go to the profile of Brandon Cook
Go to the profile of Sri Wahyu