The Truth Machine by Michael J Casey & Paul Vigna (Book)

Till Antonio Mahler
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2018

Welcome to the second review at blockwhat?, its awesome to have you here!

As blockchain technology continues to experience an unprecedented growth and slowly starts to mature, there is a growing demand for more sound and reliable knowledge around this topic.

In this section I’ll review some awesome resources that helped me a great deal to grasp the complexity of this new technological paradigm, its revolutionary potential consequences, as well as possible societal and economic ramifications.

Today’s book has been my favorite so far to read and it is a true treasure of knowledge and understanding.


“Views differ on bitcoin, but few doubt the transformative potential of Blockchain technology. The Truth Machine is the best book so far on what has happened and what may come along. It demands the attention of anyone concerned with our economic future.”

— Lawrence H. Summers, President Emeritus at Harvard, Former Treasury Secretary

“The Truth Machine” by Michael J Casey and Paul Vigna is one of the best and most comprehensive books on blockchain and the greater picture is has to been seen and understood within, that I’ve stumbled upon so far!

The extraordinary ease of reading, coupled with the unique contextualization of the greater scheme in which this new technological paradigm is analyzed, make this book an absolute must-read. Instead of only focusing on the fundamental economic change that this technology enables, it provides the reader with a thorough understanding about the essential importance of suddenly having a tool that facilitates the approximation of “trust” and “truth” at our disposal.

By deconstructing the veil of mystic and cryptic assumptions about blockchain, the authors do a great job at demystifying this technology and demonstrating how it can reverse some of the catastrophic trends and developments we have seen in the last decades in the cyber realms. They show the reader how we can restore the personal control of our data, identities and assets by utilizing vivid examples of projects that are already undertaking this difficult journey.

Further, they demonstrate how it can help facilitate the financial inclusion of billions of people worldwide, all while disrupting industries as varied as music, tech, legal, finance, supply chain, and many more!

One of the strong points is definitely the focus on the potential it has in the “developing” world, where the use of distributed ledgers can have truly captivating impacts.

To sum it all up, if you only read one book about blockchain and want to understand as much as possible about the social, economic, cultural and technological dimensions of this new technology — make this the one you read! You can’t do anything wrong by losing yourself in this great picture that these two great authors paint, hands down.

Michael J Casey

Michael J Casey has been a journalist at the Wall Street Journal for 18 years where he wrote about global economics and markets. Since almost two years, he has been working as a Senior Advisor at MIT Digital Currency Initiative , a super interesting think tank and institution that explores the many ways in which blockchain technology will change our world

Paul Vigna

Paul Vigna works as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, where he covers blockchain-related topics and cryptocurrencies especially. If you’re interested to read some of his really interesting articles, just click here to find them.

I hope that I could excite you for this book and get you to read it, it is really worthwhile investment of your time and money!

Do a good deed, support your local bookstore and buy it there (and eventually endure the waiting for 1–2 days till they can order it), I’d highly appreciate that. If there are no physical books store left in your vicinity, I have complete faith in you that you’ll manage to acquire it by yourself somewhere in this magical digital cyber world of ours.

Let me know if you’ve already read it, are reading it at the moment or plan to read it and feel like conversing about it — I’m definitely down to talk about this awesome book!

If you’re interested in learning more about the history behind blockchain, feel free to click here and indulge yourself in a fascinating and turbulent past.

Yours truly


If you’re interested in more awesome resources to enhance your knowledge about blockchain, check out these other reviews:

  1. Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper (Book)
  2. The Truth Machine by Michael J Casey and Paul Vigna (Book)(this review)
  3. Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott (Book)
  4. Blockchain Innovation by Frederick Munawa (Podcast)
  5. Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos (Book)
  6. Blockchain and the Law by Primavera De Filippi & Aaron Wright (Book)
  7. Mastering Ethereum by Andreas Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood
  8. Homo Sapiens by Noah Yuval Harari
  9. Homo Deus by Noah Yuval Harari
  10. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Noah Yuval Harari



Till Antonio Mahler

Technology enthusiast from Berlin. Lover of random yet mesmerizing knowledge. Curious about all aspects of life.