Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2018


CryptoTable weekly report

October 8st–20th. Updates, improvements, plans and everything you need to know about changes to the draft

No matter you are large corporation or a small startup, in 365 days per year, your mission is to presents a report. So, we are not an exception.

We would like to present you our results of the work for 2 weeks.

Let’s started.

  1. We added 8 exchanges to Indexer page: BitForex, Lbank, Bibox, ZBG, TOPBTC,, Exrates, BitBay.
  2. The first press release about us: “The Potential of CryptoTable”.
  3. We added 7 short reviews to Exchange reviews page: Koinex, IDAX, Paribu, CHAOEX, Trade by trade, Ovis, Bancor.
  4. Released second item the roadmap. Price notifier is ready to use.
  5. Added 5 pairs to Indexer page: ADA/USD, BCH/USD, BCH/USDT, DASH/USD, ZEC/USD.
  6. Our community are not a large but we are raising. 53 new subscribers in social channels.
Our growth in a numbers

For the next week we are going to do more shorts exchanges reviews and will add more Indexer exchanges and pairs. Also we’ll implements some improvements with the site.

Thank you for being with us.

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