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A publication about the growing infiltration of emerging tech into advancing society, featuring expert Q & A.
Note from the editor

Hi, I’m Ashley Mo, and welcome to Telescope, a blog that navigates how emerging tech is reforming the way society is evolving. Expect blogs on a wide variety of things, from synthetic biology, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology…this list would get way too long if I wrote all of them here. They could range from recent discoveries or breakouts discussed in the news to more open-based topics like how “synthetic biology could wipe out humans,” etc. And every so often I’ll host 11 question style interviews with people from entrepreneurs in STEM, to venture capitalists, to professors and share my insights right here as well in #CONVERSATION. Lastly, there’s a section called #OUTLOOK where I highlight my road of personal development to become the best version of myself possible.

Go to the profile of Ashley Mo
Ashley Mo
A 15 year old innovator, just wanting to share some cool stuff I research :)