⭐️ Become a writer for BlogBytes and get REWARDED! ⭐️

Deni Sahaya
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2023


make money with blogging
Photo credit: andrea-piacquadio on Pexels

Dear fellow writers,

I hope you are having a good day.

Today, I’d like to invite you to become a writer for my new Medium publication, BlogBytes.

Below, I share the benefits of becoming a member of this new publication.

BlogBytes was born on the 30th of November 2023. It is a lovechild of mine, Deni, an avid writer and reader. My publication aims to help new and aspiring writers make a living from their passion. There is a lot of confusing noise out there, unrealistically portrayed success stories and frankly, not enough support.

I hope to bring fellow writers together and create a community, but most importantly, to share our unique stories.

Hence, I am inviting you, dear writer, to join me on this exciting journey.

When I first stepped into the world of Medium only thirteen weeks ago, I’d never shared my writing on social media platforms like this one before.

I’ve been a writer for four years, specializing in producing ‘how to’ tutorials and copywriting. (That’s writing mainly to persuade your reader to take action that benefits the business, and the reader, of course.) It is a field, far from the land of imagination and exquisitely conjured stories — which I found a lot of…



Deni Sahaya

Purpose-driven life. Blogger/Writing/Design/Live Your Best Life