A Beginner’s Guide To Writing an E-BOOK That Makes $100/Day FAST

The Blueprint That Earned Me $171,000 In E-Book Sales in 18 Months

Deni Sahaya


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I’ve been writing e-books for almost four years.

I’ve written about various subjects. I’ve dipped my toes into topics like personal growth, design and technology, marketing and writing.

I have seven e-books online, scattered around various platforms, but I helped publish close to a hundred of them for clients. I have now reached a point where these books earn me a full-time income without having to do much in return.

But it wasn’t always like this.

I really struggled to make a sale at the beginning. I couldn’t even shift my books when they were free.

The truth is that:

  • I picked the wrong platforms.
  • I wrote the wrong books.
  • I tried to sell to the wrong people.
  • I priced my books wrong.
  • I promoted my books the wrong way.

My efforts left me with an empty bank account, feeling drained and foolish.



Deni Sahaya

Purpose-driven life. Blogger. Mom. Unicorn. Dog Whisperer.