A Teen’s life caught on TikTok

Zoe, the Filipino Girl Bullied on TikTok for Her Charles and Keith Luxury Bag

The good, the bad, and the ugly of TikTok

Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2023


Zoe, the Filipino Girl Bullied on TikTok for Her Charles and Keith Luxury Bag
Screenshot — TikTok by Zoe Gabriel

I never saw myself as deserving of the best things in life. Life wasn't easy, it still isn't. I never had the toy that I wished for as a child, but that was OK. I never took it against my parents, especially my mom.

Both my parents had to work. And being the only boy in the family meant there were no hand-me-downs. Unlike my sisters, they can share clothes growing up.

My school shoes were my all-around shoes. The rubber shoes we can afford were the cheapest, and yet I never felt we were poor until my parents separated when I was twelve.

Then I knew what being poor was really like, but even the poverty I experienced was nothing compared to the poverty millions of Filipinos experienced during the time of Marcoses — those thieves.

The Marcoses are back, and the Philippines remains one of the top countries exporting people. Yes, there are tens of millions scattered around the globe because it is their way out of poverty.

Charles and Keith and Zoe



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: https://square.link/u/5EZrNONS