Go to Blue Notes To Myself
Blue Notes To Myself
Blue Notes to Myself: Where justice’s rhythm intersects with autism’s unique spectrum. Serious, soulful, and dedicated to championing inclusive change in the criminal legal system. Also includes musings about self-care, neurodiversity and mental health.
Note from the editor

Blue Notes to Myself: Where justice’s rhythm intersects with autism’s unique spectrum. Serious, soulful, and dedicated to championing inclusive change in the criminal legal system and the occasional riff about life, the universe and everything. #Justice #AutismAwareness #ActuallyAutistic #CriminalJusticeReform #ActuallyAutistic

Go to the profile of Nick Dubin
Nick Dubin
Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (now ASD level 1) in 2004. Author of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Disabilities and the CJS, among other books.