The neighbourhoods of my life – Toronto edition

What a city!

Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink


Photo by Lianhao Qu on Unsplash

Ok so I grew up all over the place. One place I spent a ton of time in, was Toronto.

Ah the Big Smoke. I love Toronto. Don’t care what anyone says, it’s a great city.

Here’s my story of the neighbourhoods that made up my youth, growing up within the borders of this gorgeous city.

This story is dedicated to Elaineh and Kimberly, who encourage me to write such tales!


Photo by Dorian Hurst on Unsplash

It was the summer of a world cup. I couldn’t tell you which one, it was many moons ago, when I was a youngster. On the cusp of becoming a full-fledged woman.

And my friends and I decided to become tourists in our own town, and visit Toronto during the World Cup. The idea was that we’d watch each soccer game in a different part of the city, that represented one of the countries that was playing.

A very easy thing to do in Toronto, with all its diversity.

(This was back in the day so mid-disclaimer — things might have changed drastically since then)



Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink

I am a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and a PROSCI-certified People Change Manager. I’m also an ultra-runner and have lived and worked all over.