Is this the time for switching to an electric car?

Deniz Başaran
4 min readSep 18, 2020

If you ever think about it, you probably start listing the pros and cons of making a switch or not. I also did and realized that electric cars have way more beneficial effects for the driver and also for our environment. Sounds interesting? Let me explain why.

The lifetime cost of an EV is lower than ICE

Do not matter which type of car you own, there are various types of costs that come with car ownership for sure. However, when you prefer an electric car instead of an ICE (internal combustion engine), you will have remarkable long-term savings.

According to some studies: The average cost to operate an EV in the United States is $485 per year, while the average for a gasoline-powered vehicle is $1,117. And 10,000 miles that the average driver drives in a year costs about $750 in gasoline but only $200 in electricity.

Additionally, an electric car has less moving parts than a conventional car. EVs are relatively little service needed and they do not have expensive exhaust systems. So that electric cars require considerably less maintenance than traditional cars. This means your maintenance and repair costs can drop by 25%.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Electric cars are environmentally friendly, that’s also why we love them 🌿

Electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional ICE cars. If you prefer to drive electric, you will help to reduce harmful air pollution comes from exhaust emissions. If you are able to use renewable energy to recharge your EV, you can go further and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions even more.

Transportation is the largest source of climate pollution in the US. And calculations show that if everyone in the country made this switch we are talking about, and drive electric, the country’s CO2 emissions would immediately decrease by 8.4%.

There is also a trend of eco-friendly production of materials for EVs. For example, The Ford Focus Electric is made up of recycled materials. Similarly, The Nissan Leaf’s interior and bodywork are partly made out of green materials.

There are lots of financial support and incentives

Another great motivation going for electric is the different financial support and incentives offered by governments to electric car owners. They make a higher purchase price of electric cars more feasible.

For example, Germany as the EU’s largest market is designing various policies to increase demand for EVs. Any privately owned EVs registered until the end of 2020 will have a 10-year tax exemption and EVs with a sales price below €40,000 will qualify for a €9,000 subsidy until December 2021 in the country.

Of course, the case is not like this in every country. But most of them already, especially countries in Europe, regulate incentives for motivating to switch electric and for the other developments are on the way. Do not forget to check the situation in where you live 🏸

The future of driving is electric!

With the all benefits that we are talking about, exciting new technologies are also developing. New models are on the way and day by day, charging times will decrease when the range of electric cars is increasing.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Charging infrastructure is growing fastly

The EV industry hit one of its milestones by reaching the number of public charging plugs around the world above one million 🌍 China has more than half of them. Electric vehicle infrastructure continues speeding there. Also, The European Union recently announced a goal of 1 million public chargers by 2025 in Europe.

When you bought your first electric car do not forget to download Bluedot App to find and connect charging stations on your way 😊 We will be here for you to have a better E-mobility experience!

To get more insight, you can also check: Introducing Oxygen Points with Bluedot, Debunking 3 Misconceptions About Electric Cars, So why buy an electric car?



Deniz Başaran

logistics & marketing student who loves innovations and books