What is the carbon footprint and what it has to do with us?

4 min readSep 23, 2020

The carbon footprint has been a very popular term to use in the last couple of years but do we really know what it is? Why is it important? Can we rescue our planet or are we beyond hope as humanity? Let’s see…

First thing’s first: What is it?

Carbon is used as a shorthand for greenhouse gas emission and the term “carbon footprint” refers to the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and F-gases being emitted by an activity or an organization.

These gases are released to the environment by various activities from individual ones such as using air conditioning in the house to those of an entire nation such as deforestation policies. The main activities that cause larger amounts of greenhouse gas emission include traditional agricultural methods, deforestation, industrial processes, and burning fossil fuels. They trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming in return.

Okay… but is it really that important?

Yes, it is that important! There are global consequences of global warming like drought, changes in the sea level, flooding, and loss of species and terrestrial ecosystems all around the world — from Norway to China, from Brazil to Gabon.

According to WRI and reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), even a 0.5 Celsius degrees of increase in the temperature will have serious impacts on the planet. For example, while almost 14% of the world population is at the risk of heatwaves at least once in five years with global warming under 1.5°C, this number increases to 37% with warming under 2°C.

It doesn’t only affect nature and the planet but also affects global economic growth; according to WRI, expected global GDP loss will be 0.3 when the warming is limited to 1.5 whereas it would be 0.5 when warming is limited to 2°C.

So… there is no hope?

Humans are kind of the major reason for it, so we can as well prevent it from getting worse. Makes sense, right? While climate change and global warming stay as reality, they are not unsolvable. The effects of it are reducible when we stay committed to the cause. So…don’t lose hope!

Great! What can we do?

Countries that signed the Paris Agreement have different internationally binding obligations and, with the increasing global awareness, big companies are being pushed more and more to make eco-conscious decisions in their production cycles. Keep pushing your government to do its part! And keep informing people around you. You never know, your 87-years-old granny might surprise you by offering lemonade on a hot summer day with a glass straw in it

Of course, there are individual steps that we can take in order to reduce our negative effect on global warming. The biggest bulks of an individual’s carbon footprint come from transportation, housing, and food choices. Change your preferences in those areas and contribute to the future of our planet by making more sustainable choices. There are a lot more options than one might think of. Just don’t settle for the easiest option and look for an alternative. Maybe ask the waitress if they could wrap your meal for home before leaving it on your plate to be thrown in the trash.

Wanna hear one more tip?

Using an electric vehicle instead of fossil-fueled ones is one of the many decisions that you can make in order to make your life more eco-friendly and sustainable. While driving your EV, you can also keep track of your carbon footprint by using Bluedot’s Oxygen Points feature and how much you helped the environment by being a part of the EV community! All you need to do is to start a journey with Bluedot App and collect points. You can exchange those oxygen points for gifts!

Bluedot is a marketplace where electric vehicles reach charging units and charger owners can share their spots with others. It is an Airbnb of chargers! To shape a better future, download here now!

You can also check these to get more information: How Big is Your Environmental Footprint , Introducing Oxygen Points with Bluedot

