Storm Calmer

Your thunder never frightened me

Elizabeth Hilsch
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

I heard the storm coming
I felt it climbing the walls
I saw the bulging clouds gather
Before the sky tried to fall

I knew it was brewing
Though I sought not to hide
I reached up shoulders steady
With my palms opened wide

I heard the thin windows rattle
With wind wildly enraged
I felt it rush through me
And was not even phased

When pained thunder crashed
Drowning out all other sound
I couldn't care to respond
Didn’t care to look around

And when lightening that sizzled
Ignited my frozen skin
I simply shrugged harder
Never feeling a thing

Finally but not gently
The fierce storm subsides
Becoming watery whimpers
And soaking wet sighs

Come back to me storm cloud
You've made such a scene
Come back to your keeper
Who knows where you've been

Here’s to familiar storms and soothing those who cause them. Happy Reading.



Elizabeth Hilsch
Blue Insights

Elizabeth Mavis Hilsch 💫 I want to write poems that help you put words to feelings that are hard to describe.